Val-d'Oise: A 14-year-old teenager found dead drowned in Argenteuil, chronology of a drama

07/09/2022 By acomputer 703 Views

Val-d'Oise: A 14-year-old teenager found dead drowned in Argenteuil, chronology of a drama

A 14-year-old teenager was found dead drowned Monday evening in Argenteuil, Val-d'Oise, below the Gennevilliers viaduct, learned 20 minutes of concordant sources, confirming information from Europe 1.Two students in his class were placed in police custody, notably after the testimony of one of them's mother.20 minutes takes stock of the first elements of the survey.

7:30 p.m., a mother gives the alert

The alert was given late Monday by the late day by the mother of the high school student placed in police custody: around 7:30 p.m., she calls the police to explain that her 15 -year -old son and her girlfriend of the same age told her, a bitearlier in the afternoon, having struck., a pupil of their class on the quay of Saint-Denis, under the Gennevilliers viaduct.According to their story, it would then have fallen into the Seine and probably dead.

This confession, she explains, took place around 4:30 p.m., about an hour after their return.She had then found them very agitated and noted the presence of blood on her son's clothes."The minor's mother immediately went there and found a glove with a wick of hair," said the Pontoise prosecutor's office in a press release.It is on her return that she warns the authorities while specifying that the two teenagers have disappeared.Arriving at home, the civil servants discover a bloody handkerchief at the foot of the building and the clothes stained in the high school student's room.According to a police source, the mother also said that the glove discovered on the quay belonged to her son's girlfriend.

9 p.m., the body of the victim discovered, traces of blows

Half an hour later, the victim's parents show up at the Argenteuil police station to report the disappearance of their daughter.According to a police source, her mother explains that the latter, educated at the Cognacq-Jay high school in Argenteuil, is regularly victim of harassment.The prosecution does not confirm this element but specifies that his parents feared a fugue.

Val-d'Oise : Une ado de 14 ans retrouvée morte noyée à Argenteuil, chronologie d’un drame

His body will finally be found around 9 p.m. near the quay indicated by the two teenagers, immersed under a meter of water.Civil servants also note on the platform the presence of a large blood stain.The autopsy must make it possible to specify the causes of the death but the examination of the body has already made it possible to raise the presence of "blows to the face and the head", specifies the prosecution.

2 am, arrest of the main suspects

The two teenagers were located at one of their friends and arrested around 2 a.m..They were remanded in custody.An investigation has been opened and the investigations entrusted to the Cergy judicial police in order to shed light on the circumstances of the drama.The three adolescents, specifies the prosecution, were unknown to justice.

A romantic quarrel could be the source of the drama.The mother of the custody in police custody said in front of the cameras of several television channels that her son had had a romantic relationship with the victim before being with his new girlfriend.According to a source close to the investigation, harassment could have started shortly before school holidays with, in particular, the dissemination of photos of the victim in underwear on social networks.France Info specifies that the mother of the victim had made a report to the school establishment and that a disciplinary council was scheduled for Tuesday.

For its part, the Academy of Versailles announced the establishment of a listening unit in the private establishment in which they were all educated."Listening staff from the Academy immediately went there this morning," said the press release.

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