What is the urinary probe for delivery?

09/08/2022 By acomputer 723 Views

What is the urinary probe for delivery?

Par Mélodie Capronnier
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Pendant l’accouchement, une sonde urinaire peut vous être posée. Mais à sert-elle ?

La sonde urinaire est un tuyau en latex ou en silicone qui est introduit par l’urètre, le canal par lequel on urine, et permet l’évacuation du liquide dans un sac collecteur stérile. Elle a plusieurs utilités pour les futures mamans au moment de l'accouchement et en principe, sa pose n'est pas douloureuse. A quoi sert la sonde urinaire lors de l’accouchement ? A quoi sert la sonde urinaire lors de l’accouchement ?

The urinary probe to facilitate the passage of the baby

During birth, a urinary probe can sometimes be placed in order to facilitate the passage of the baby at the time of the last push.Indeed, the bladder probe will make it possible to empty the bladder, and therefore to leave more room since it will press less on the Pelvi-Génitital channel.

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The urinary probe in the event of an epidural

If the parturient has chosen to have an epidural, a urinary probe is almost systematically placed.This can be explained by the fact that the bladder fills faster during anesthesia, because of the injected products.Then, the anesthetic effect can also delete the desire to urinate, the future mother does not know when her bladder needs to be emptied, and this can cause swelling or urinary infection.

The urinary probe during the cesarean

A quoi sert la sonde urinaire lors de l’accouchement ?

The urinary probe can also be placed in case of cesarean, because it is part of the surgical protocol.Not only for the same reasons as with the epidural, but also because after general anesthesia, as can be required for certain interventions during childbirth, the patient may no longer manage to urinate spontaneously.Finally, it will allow the bladder to be emptied to facilitate surgical gesture.

It will generally be withdrawn within 8 to 24 hours of birth, to avoid infections.But it can be left a little longer if there is a fear that the bladder has been reached, and will make it possible to monitor the possible presence of blood in the urine.

What risks for the installation of a urinary probe during childbirth?

The bladder probe is generally well supported, even if there can be a light and passenger bleeding in the urine after the pose.Sometimes it can cause irritation of the wall of the bladder or urethra, which can lead to a desire to urinate frequent or pain.

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