one policeman said 'look at how you break an arm' and

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one policeman said 'look at how you break an arm' and

"I thought I was going to die that day.The trembling voice and tears in the eyes, Clément returns to the ordeal lived in the police station of Saint-Quentin (02) in the Aisne.After a dispute with two men on April 13, 2019, this thirty -something was challenged and underwent many strokes as well as insults by local police officers.At the police station, while he is handcuffed in the back and tackled on the ground by two police officers, one of the agents would have launched to him: "Look how we break an arm", before going up it voluntarily until the humerusLaw cracks.

Operated in the process, Clément is added an iron plate with 35 staples, is immobilized for more than a month and receives 60 days of ITT.But his ordeal does not stop there.For the past two years, he has been, he said, harass by the police of Saint-Quentin, with complaints for contempt, arrests and new blows." It is a small city.Now I am known as the white wolf.I never thought I was going to live this.When you enter a problem like that with the police, you don't get out of it, "says Clément.Assisted by his lawyers, master Eddy Arneton and Hector Cerf, he has already filed three complaints, including one for torture and barbarism for the facts of April 13, 2019. The drobs develop with StreetPress:

This last case is tried on December 9, with a single agent who will appear before the Laon court: the policeman Aymeric-Bertrand M., the official who broke his arm.

Exposed and broken arms

It all starts with an argument between Clément and two men in the streets of Saint-Quentin, for a case of heart.Faced with the two fellows who want to do battle, Clément takes out a pocket.He warns: a scalpel is inside.The duo retreats and Clément fled.The police are warned.Two agents challenged him a few minutes later.Clément is put on the ground and gets his head crushed by the Rangers of Brigadier Arnaud P., according to the hearing report of a witness that Streetpress was able to consult.Clément begins to have an anxiety attack.

In the car to the post, violence redoubled.On his left, a policeman puts him "a dozen blows in the side".Arrived at the police station, they draw it from the car at the level of the ankles and drop it on the ground.

On April 13, 2019, Clément was arrested in Saint-Quentin for threatening two people who wanted to do battle with a scalpel which was still in his cover./crédits: Dr.

As he tells the whole scene, Clément's voice begins to flank.The police take him to a room of the depot of police custody and "throw him on the ground on his stomach".Two agents are on him and search him by placing him on the ground.They remove Clément's clothes and even its pants.The 30 -year -old finds himself almost naked, the apparent sex.The pandora who has his knee on his spine raises his arms to the middle of the back."I was not aggressive, however.They do this in front of everyone, colleagues to them passed.I'm starting to have crazy pain.I started to cry, "recalls Clément, eyes fogged.He marks a break, before continuing in sobs:

The agent puts his right arm forward him forward and leads to the total fracture of his bone."It made me crazy, I was not well.I was alternating between hot and cold, I suited, "recalls Clément.Later, he recognized the civil servant on the IGPN boards: Aymeric-Bertrand M. Despite the break, the Blues do not call a Toubib.They give him his pants and tie him to a bench.He is left there for about twenty minutes.“Police pass and treat me with big shit.They tell me I have what I deserve.They say that I had a knife and that I wanted to plant someone, "describes Clément.Finally, one of the pandores calls a doctor.At 1 p.m., the latter stops police custody.

« Un policier a dit “Regarde comment on casse un bras” et »

According to Clément, it was the police officer Aymeric-Bertrand M. who raised his right arm handcuffed to him, leading to the total fracture of his bone ./credits: Dr.

Edema and fake news

Clément is taken to the hospital and goes to the billiards.In addition to his fractured straight humerus, the victim has edema on the body at the neck, scalp and under the eyelid, according to a medical certificate that StreetPress has obtained.There are three days left for the hospital and is immobilized for six weeks.

After breaking his arm, Clément was operated on in stride.He received 35 staples, was immobilized for six weeks and received 60 days of ITT./Credits: DR

In addition to his fractured right arm, the victim has edema on the body at the level of the neck, the scalp and under the eyelid./Credits: Dr.

On the evening of April 13, Clément also discovered a brief from the local daily L’Aisne Nouvelle who talks about his case: "He stabbed the police during his arrest in Saint-Quentin."In less than ten lines, we learn that the scalpel under Blister turned into a stopping knife and that he attacked a pandora with it.No mention of the broken arm."I called the newspaper to tell them that it was not true.They told me that they went to the police station and that they told them that, "explains Clément.

The same evening, Clément discovers a version of the truncated facts in the press.The scalpel turned into a stop knife and attacked a police officer.But no mention of the broken arm./Credits: screenshot of the Aisne Nouvelle site

A police version contradicted by the IGPN

Clément files a complaint in the process with the gendarmerie and the case is entrusted to the IGPN.The lawyers of Clément, masters Eddy Arneton and Hector Cerf, file a complaint for "torture and barbarism".They explain themselves:

On the beef-carrot side, the investigation takes almost two years to be found and the police of Saint-Quentin are only questioned 18 months after the facts.Faced with IGPN, Aymeric-Bertrand explains that Clément would have fallen alone and broke his arm at that time.The few police witnesses to the scene have your memory that flanches or confirm the thesis of Aymeric-Bertrand M. a version swept by the police of the police itself*.The inspection written in her investigation that, if she cannot "determine with certainty the origin of the fracture of the arm", she considers that it is "incompatible with an unexpected fall without external intervention described by the police officials"."Even in their defense, these police are constantly out of the way," said Masters Arneton and Cerf.

At the IGPN, which interviewed the police 18 months later, the few police witnesses of the scene have your memory that flanks or confirm the thesis of Aymeric-Bertrand M. /Credits: Dr.

The police thesis was swept away by police police itself./Credits: DR

A relentlessness

For the past two years, the 36 -year -old man has been the victim of harassment.The police multiply the procedures against him.The two officials he mainly accuses, Arnaud P. and Aymeric-Bertrand M., filed a complaint against him for contempt."It's impressive to see the two police officers who hurt you and who file a complaint against you.They try to minimize things, ”despairs the victim.His lawyers Eddy Arneton and Hector Cerf analyze:

He was also arrested by Saint-Quentin police three times.On October 30, 2019, Aymeric-Bertrand Mr., the agent who broke his arm, was maneuvering.He returns her handcuffs to her and would have said to "close his mouth".The latter thinks that Clément is driving without a license.An info that dates from his previous arrests.No luck for the Blues, Clément has since obtained the sesame and is in good standing.He is brought back to the police station and put back on the same bench where he was after his fracture of the arm."It reminded me of the scene, I started to cry," breathes Clement with emotion.In the emergency room, doctors discover it in tears and detect "elements in favor of post-traumatic stress syndrome".He postponed complaints against Aymeric-Bertrand M. for voluntary violence because the case and the handcuffs gave him four days of additional ITT.

During a new medical examination in November 2019, doctors discovered Clement crying and detect "elements in favor of post-traumatic stress syndrome" /credits: Dr.

On February 11, 2020, rebelote.Clément is arrested at the end of a business for breach of trust-a car story sold to an individual in 2019 where the mileage "was not good", explains the former self-employed.At the police station, in a second excavation, "three police officers without Rio number" land.They ask him to remove his pants.Clément protests:

Following these facts, Clément redresses complaint with the court.Except that to shed light on this case of violence of the police of Saint-Quentin, the prosecution entrusted the investigation to the ... police station in Saint-Quentin.An investigation classified without follow -up, in "the absence of objective elements" which could have proven the violence, according to the prosecutor in charge of the file.

The Police of Saint-Quentin also multiply the meanness by anti-foster letters which they send to Clément, which makes him miss appointments to the police station.

Clément receives anti -dates to converse to go to the police station.On February 16, 2021, for example, he received a letter for a summons ... February 15 at 9 a.m.If the police convening letter is dated 10, the postmark indicates that it was freed on 15./credits: Dr.

Another pain

In addition to his complaints to justice, the thirties wrote to the Commissioner of Saint-Quentin or even to Xavier Bertrand-the elected presidential candidate made his political debut there and was mayor-to complain about the harassment ofpolice officers towards him.All his letters remained unanswered.Even today, Clément cannot raise his arm:

Auto-entrepreneur in the sale of used vehicles, Clément had to stop his activity.He started it a few years ago, after serving in the army for eight years, where he was a cook and driver of CAR.

On December 9, he will be in court for the trial of Aymeric-Bertrand M. “We expect this hearing that justice notes the atrocity suffered by our client and that it gives a strong signal for these practices to cease and thatThe Saint-Quentin police become republican again ”, detail Masters Arneton and Cerf.Clément is just waiting for a decision:

Contact, the National Police Information and Communication Service (SICOP) did not follow up on our requests.