Two studies show that keeping your testicles cool is a guarantee of fertility

17/05/2022 By acomputer 795 Views

Two studies show that keeping your testicles cool is a guarantee of fertility

By Thierry Roussin published on the last update on 21 August 18 at 11: 18Le Awakening Normand view my actu

After the German study explaining that wearing a tie prevents the proper irrigation of the brain, a new study has just come down. This study, carried out between 2000 and 2017 in the United States with the participation of 656 male volunteers in their thirties, tends to show that wearing boxers or underpants is not good for sperm production.

This observation by scientists also applies to jeans and to sitting too long.

Testicles not to oppress

Scientists at the Human Reproduction Assistance Unit at Boston Hospital, USA, asked the subjects in the experiment to obtain a semen sample and to complete a questionnaire that included information on the type of underwear they usually wear.

According to the figures from the study published by Human Reproduction magazine, people with the best spermograms were most likely to wear underpants (53%). The remaining 47% regularly wore tight underwear, boxer or tight underwear. If this is combined with other factors, it appears that the testicles feel better when they are not too oppressive.

Selon deux études, maintenir ses testicules au frais est un gage de fertilité

The study does not say whether naturists are the best breeders, but its conclusions are clear.

According to Science Media Centre reporting Richard Sharpe, professor of reproductive medicine at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), "sperm production requires a temperature of 3 to 4 °C lower than that of the rest of the body". This makes us understand the usefulness of this coolant underwear that is supposed to boost male fertility.

The testicles therefore prefer to be fresh and this American study finally corroborates a study published in October 2015 in Science Alert conducted on 500 men for a year. The conclusion is clear.

As a result of this scientific experiment, the recommendations were simple and still valid today. Since spermatozoa have difficulty living above a temperature of 37 °C, men are encouraged to wear shorts during the day and to sleep naked.

Nine months after the heatwave we have just experienced, it will be interesting to see if the birth curves are at half-mast where the temperature curves were rising. One more reason to be wary of global warming.

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