Algeria prohibits production companies with the importation of goods classified "others"

22/09/2022 By acomputer 720 Views

Algeria prohibits production companies with the importation of goods classified "others"

(Ecofin agency) - After having prohibited importation in recent months a plethora of food and industrial products, the Algerian authorities have added to the list, those classified "other" by the Ministry of Commerce.This new measure is still part of the drop in the country's import bill.

The Algerian government wants to bring its annual import bill below the USD 30 billion mark.He prohibited production companies from importing the products classified by the Ministry of Commerce and the Directorate General of Customs under the pricing position ‘’ Others ’’.They will now have to pass public importing companies for resale as it.

The injunction was relayed to banks and financial structures by the association of banks and financial establishments, via a note issued on Thursday, October 7 and ordering to "stay the domiciliation of any import operation under the" Other "section.It intervenes in the wake of the ban, a month ago, to import a certain number of food products of animal or derivative origin, such as canned fishing, tuna, poultry, ice cream, ice cream,yogurt, camel wool, cold meats, and many others.

L’Algérie interdit aux entreprises de production l’importation des biens classés « Autres »

In doing so, the authorities want to rationalize and supervise imports, in parallel with their export development policy.The objective is to rebalance a deficit trade balance, which displayed -926 million USD at the end of August 2021 according to the Ministry of Finance.They also want to better control the exchange reserves that have melted considerably.

However, it should be noted that this new measure does not apply to companies in the medical field.

Feriol Bewa