Anglet Â: the elite of European surfing expected at Rip curl pro QS 1,000 at the Chambre d'Amour

21/05/2022 By acomputer 740 Views

Anglet Â: the elite of European surfing expected at Rip curl pro QS 1,000 at the Chambre d'Amour

Although it looks very young, surfing began to take root in Anglet almost 70 years ago. Photos from 1954 show Dacquois Jacky Roth, who died in 2019, try the first planks of his manufacture, beach of the Chamber of Love. Ten years later, in the same place, the first French championship took place and the Plage de la Barre hosted its first international competition in 1968.

Tuesday, August 24th, will begin the Rip curl pro Anglet QS 1,000, which will take place until Sunday, August 29th. This event, to which the Australian Rip curl, one of the emblematic brands of clothing and accessories for sliding, chose a few months ago to associate its name, will have its sixth edition.

"when he arrived at the town hall of Anglet in 2014, Claude Olive hoped that the city would find an important surf rendezvous," says Anthony Bleuze, deputy mayor in charge of tourism and entertainment. In 2015, in agreement with the World SURF League (WSL), we had a QS stage, the second international division. From the beginning, we have sought to associate a great name to this meeting. This is the case with the arrival of Rip curl, one of the major companies in this economic sector. "

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With sanitary pass

Anthony Bleuze sees in the constitution of this triumvirate WSL, Ville et Rip curl, the opportunity to perpetuate and evolve the Pro Anglet to higher levels. Had it not been for the Covid-19 pandemic and its variants, it would have taken place last June, while August would have retained night surfing, an appointment unique to Anglet and which the WSL has included in its calendar.

Anglet : l’élite du surf européen attendue au Rip curl pro QS 1 000 à la Chambre d’Amour

In the end, the night surf was canceled to avoid too much gathering. The Rip curl Pro Anglet QS 1,000 was maintained during the week of August 24-29, but in a compartmentalized space. You will have to show a health pass in order to be able to access the enclosure that will allow you to attend the competition.

With the Olympians

In a recent announcement, the WSL announced the arrival of the reigning European champions Vasco Ribeiro (Portugal) and Leticia Canales Bilbao (Spain). There will also be former residents of the TC, such as the Dutchman Joan Duru and the Guipuzkoan Aritz Aramburu.

Many of the participants at the recent Olympic Games in Tokyo will also be featured. Among them are Ramzi Boukhiam (Morocco), Leon Glatzer (Germany), Anat Lelior (Israel), Yolanda Hopkins and Teresa Bonvalot (Portugal), as well as local champion Pauline Ado, licensed to the Anglet surf club and a member of the France Olympic team.

In addition, San Sebastian surfer Kai Odriozola and Brazilian Sophia Medina, sister of double world champion Gabriel Medina, won the wildcard from their sponsor Rip curl.

It will give them access to the fourth and third laps of the Pro Anglet, respectively, with the heads of production of the competition.

If you cannot go to the Chamber of Love, you can follow the competition on the World SURF League website (free of charge for the first two days) and on the YouTube channel WSL and the Facebook page of the WSL qualifying Series. The new MCS extreme platform, a platform for extreme sports, will also broadcast live with comments in French.

The Chambre d'amour film festival will be renewed

Entre le mercredi 28 et le samedi 31 juillet, la Chambre d’Amour a connu la première édition de son festival de film, à l’initiative du cinéma Monciné, avec le soutien de la ville. « En raison des contraintes liées à la situation sanitaire, et du peu de temps dont nous avons disposé pour le monter, il s’agissait plus d’un essai, d’un numéro zéro pour préparer une vraie première édition, commente Anthony Bleuze. Même si l’élu se dit pleinement satisfait de la réponse du public aux trois soirées proposées, qui ont notamment permis de voir « Bac nord », de Cédric Jimenez, avec Gilles Lelouche, la réflexion pour préparer l’édition 2022 reste très ouverte. « Nous voulons inscrire ce festival dans la durée. Cette année, on l’a fait fin juillet, parce qu’il n’y avait pas de Fêtes de Bayonne. On espère bien qu’elles reviendront. Du coup, il faut trouver la meilleure date, entre juin et septembre, pour s’assurer d’avoir des films importants et des comédiens et réalisateurs disponibles », souligne Anthony Bleuze. Sur le même sujet

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