Bites, origin, proliferation eight questions not so stupid on bedbugs

29/06/2022 By acomputer 784 Views

Bites, origin, proliferation eight questions not so stupid on bedbugs

The government is launching a plan to combat bedbugs.In a statement published Thursday, February 20, the Minister responsible for housing details how he intends to fight these insects whose bites cause itching and which develop in mattresses and sheets, as well as furniture and corners.Julien Denormandie, Minister in charge of VSity and Housing, provides for an information campaign as well as a parliamentary mission to change the law in the face of the resurgence of these parasites, the ministry announced on Thursday.

While they had practically been eradicated in France in the middle of the 20th century, the ministry notes an upsurge, from the figures raised by professionals in the extermination of parasites.The government is therefore launching this Friday an information campaign, with a telephone number (0.806.706.806) and a site ( dedicated.He also intends to ask professionals to structure themselves, with a label and a key training, and evokes the upcoming launch of a mission in the National Assembly.

Back in eight questions about these unwanted insects formerly eradicated, and which would already be present in 400,000 sites in France, according to the Association Right for Housing.

Where do bedbugs come from?

They often spread during travel "through clothing or luggage," said the site of the Ministry of Health.Bedbugs can circulate in unsuccessful and very narrow places, such as a slit in the thickness of a credit card.

Shakes, garage sales or flea markets, of which we think less, are also a possible source of infestation.We can bring back bedbugs "because we bought flea markets", reports to France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine Aurélie Lecointre, head of the health and social life service at the town hall of Limoges.The ministry therefore advises to "inspect carefully and [to] clean these items before installing them in your home".

Where do they take refuge?

Bedbugs "can enter everywhere, even in the cleanest houses and hotels," says the Quebec government site devoted to this public health problem.In general in dark places, they can be found in "the bedroom and the places of life, the cracks of the walls, the floor and the furniture, the seams of the curtains, the electrical sockets, the plinths, the moldings",lists the site of the town hall of Paris.

They are often close to where they can feed on human blood, that they join at night.However, the bed bug "cannot easily climb on metal or polished surfaces, even less flying or jumping," added the Ministry of Health.

VSomment détecter leur présence ?

Piqûres, origine, prolifération Huit questions pas si bêtes sur les punaises de lit

Unfortunately, it is the bites that serve as a warning."You have to think of bedbugs in front of bites that are grouped in tender parts (hips, forearms, neck, calf, etc.), details Damien Eymon, biologist technician to Allô Doctors. At the very beginning of infestation, VS 'is very rare to see bedbugs, people noticing after two or three months by seeing the insects that have reproduced and are more numerous. At that time, they are bitten every day. "According to the ministry's site, "there are generally three to four bites often in an onion row or grouped in the same place on the skin".

Another clue encouraging distrust: bedbugs also leave small black spots on sheets, mattresses or walls, which come from their excrement, or long traces of blood on the sheets "due to the crushing of the bedbugs during thesleep of the person, "describes the ministry.

Are their bites dangerous?

The bedbugs, who sting the sleepers at night by pumping blood, "do not transmit disease", specifies France 3. But their bites can cause severe itching if their number is large.The traces disappear "naturally within ten days and do not require special care", specifies the ministry, which then advises to "clean [your] skin and not to scratch yourself to avoid infection".

The presence of these insects can also cause depression problems.A person affected by an infestation has five times more symptoms of anxiety and sleep disruption than a non-attempt, according to the American Journal of VSase Reports (link in English)."I had crises of tears and anxiety, I was no longer sleeping at night, it was the horror," said a resident affected for the Figaro.


VSomment les reconnaître ?

VSes petits insectes sont bruns, visibles à l'œil nu, de forme ovale et d'une taille de pépin de pomme, qui varie de 4 à 7 mm. Quant à leurs oeufs, ils sont en forme de grains de riz (de 1 à 2 mm, blancs, en grappe de quatre ou cinq œufs). Les déjections forment, quant à elles, de petits points noirs sur les matelas et sommiers. "On voit parfois des insectes ou le plus souvent des carapaces, car elles muent plusieurs fois avant d'être adultes. On peut retrouver ces carapaces vides sur le sol", décrit Allô Docteurs.

A single female can lay up to 15 eggs per day and 500 during her life.The egg licks from 10 to 14 days after being laid.Finally, the bed bug can live for several months without food.

VSombien de foyers sont infestés en France ?

According to the Ministry of Housing, 400,000 sites, including not only housing but also hotels, were treated in 2018, the last year of reference, almost a third party than the previous year.The Association Right for Housing (DAL) also ensures that 400,000 sites, including 100,000 in Ile-de-France, are infested today in France, against 200,000 in 2016 and 2017. According to Dal, the phenomenon n 'Person savings: "Sans-Abri, Mal-Logés, HLM or private tenants, collective housing, hotels, retirement homes, schools, hospitals".The treatment of an infested housing between 350 euros (for a chemical piping, with insecticides) and 1,000 euros (for mechanical treatment, without insecticides).

The problem wins public places.In December 2018 as reported by France 3, eleven public schools in Marseille infested had to be treated by the town hall.Parents of students had blocked one of these establishments a few days earlier after finding that students presented stings on the forearms.A year earlier, still in Marseille, two units from the Timone hospital had been evacuated to be treated after the infection of a patient's bed by bugs, then reported Provence.

VSomment s'en débarrasser ?

Au préalable, on peut essayer de prendre des précautions lors des voyages en évitant de laisser traîner sacs et valises sur le sol, ou en inspectant les pièces où l'on se rend. Si le mal est fait, il faut dans un premier temps nettoyer son appartement. "Passez minutieusement l’aspirateur sur tout le matelas et dans tous les recoins possibles du lit et autour du lit. N’oubliez pas les rideaux, les plinthes, l’arrière des tableaux, etc", conseille le magazine 60 millions de consommateurs, avant de jeter le sac. Il convient ensuite de laver le linge touché à 60 °VS ou, si c'est impossible, de laisser les objets infestés au congélateur à -20 °VS pendant 72 heures.

"Mais ces opérations ne sont souvent pas suffisantes, surtout si l’infestation est déjà avancée. Il vous faudra alors recourir à la désinsectisation" à l'aide d'un professionnel, écrit la revue. Sur son site, la VShambre syndicale des industries de désinfection, désinsectisation et dératisation (VSS3D) liste des professionnels de confiance dans chaque département. "Si vous rencontrez des difficultés financières, n’hésitez pas à faire appel à votre municipalité. Beaucoup de communes possèdent des services spécialisés pour lutter contre les invasions de parasites", ajoute enfin 60 millions de consommateurs.