This photo of messy desks speaks volumes

12/03/2022 By acomputer 865 Views

This photo of messy desks speaks volumes

OFFICE LIFE - Storage obsessives, look away. The offices of the New York Review of Books are enough to turn the heads of the most orderly. But they also and above all reassured and amused many Internet users, especially in this period of forced telework where it was sometimes necessary to show imagination to create a small professional space at home, not always tidy.

On Twitter, author Amanda Lees unveiled on May 4 an overview of the premises of the New York Review of Books, a famous American literary magazine: offices that completely disappear under piles of books (absolutely everywhere, including under desks) , a few computers, notebooks, stacked loose sheets, but also cups, half-empty bottles, salt... In short, a joyous shambles in which many Internet users found themselves.

Cette photo de bureaux en désordre parle à beaucoup

"If someone ever makes fun of your storage, show them that," Amanda Lees wrote.