Shops closed: panties sent to Jean Castex to protest

26/02/2022 By acomputer 874 Views

Shops closed: panties sent to Jean Castex to protest

Surprise in the mail from Jean Castex. The Prime Minister must receive in the coming days panties at Matignon, accompanied by a letter from a collective called "Action Culottée". Behind this collective, 80 managers of independent lingerie shops who are protesting against the closure of their store during confinement, reports LCI.

"We would like to raise awareness of the very critical situation that hundreds of underwear shops are experiencing throughout France. This is why 'Action Culottée' is asking the government, in a funny but not totally stupid way, by sending a ' panties of discontent at Matignon '!", indicate the organizers in a press release.

In their letter to the Prime Minister, they detail their demands, such as the postponement of the summer sales to July 15, better control of sales of underwear in supermarkets, rental assistance, or even the classification of underwear. clothing into essential products.

"Florists, booksellers, hairdressers or even record stores have been relegated to so-called 'essential' businesses. But panties? Isn't that a question of hygiene and protection? Isn't that the first thing we let's put on the morning to get dressed?", asks the collective in its press release.

Read also Lingerie fashion: French brands want to "help women feel good"

The managers of lingerie shops also stress the importance of local trade as a whole, and believe that it is not in small stores that the virus circulates the most.

The editorial staff recommends Jean Castex lingerie containment