Coquelles: A sacred Billysian Mademoiselle Nord Pas-de-Calais

21/10/2022 By acomputer 754 Views

Coquelles: A sacred Billysian Mademoiselle Nord Pas-de-Calais


The election of Mademoiselle Nord Pas-de-Calais organized by the Association Jeunesse d'Opale in partnership with the City of Coquelles took place on Saturday evening in the JP POIDEVIN room.Chahinez Ait Dadda Alla, 17, won the competition.

Parnord Littoral |

partagertwitterL'émotion et la joie au rendez-vous lors de la proclamation du podium. - NLHebdos

Coquelles : une Billysienne sacrée Mademoiselle Nord Pas-de-Calais

Dominique Leveugle

For this evening under the sign of beauty and elegance, 14 young girls went on stage.All have seduced the jury and the public by offering a beautiful...

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