04/07/2022 By acomputer 828 Views


Un ski polyvalent, capable d’assurer en poudreuse, en montée, en backountry mais aussi sur piste, on en rêve tous. Cette année, nous avons pu tester une centaine de modèles via notre rédaction US qui les a mis à rude épreuve dans les stations américaines restées ouvertes (lucky them !). Au final, neuf modèles sortent, vraiment, du lot. Des skis incroyablement performants sur tous types de neige et que tout le monde peur rider. Voici notre sélection.Equipement

Salomon Qst Blank

Ski de l’année

Le Blank a été pensé pour la poudreuse – 112 millimètres au patin, un rocker important à l’avant et à l’arrière et une construction ultralégère en matériaux high-tech – mais s’il a été élu ski de l’année, c’est pour sa grande polyvalence. C’est un modèle énergique et stable tant sur neige légère que sur neige de printemps. Il porte parfaitement en poudreuse et son rayon (17 mètres) le rend très joueur sur piste. Un insert en titanal placé de carre à carre sous le pied et sur toute la longueur du ski lui donne toute sa puissance. Il reste malgré tout léger. Le double rocker et une couche de fibres composée de carbone et de lin tissés le rendent terriblement stable, facile à piloter quelle que soient la qualité et la quantité de neige. C’est évidemment un ski pour les grosses sessions, mais vous serez agréablement surpris par son comportement sur neiges dures si les jours de poudreuse viennent à manquer. « Nous avons été estomaqués de voir à quel point ce ski large est joueur sur toutes les neiges ». Et si vous montez une fixation hybride comme la Shift, vous pourrez skier sans limites. 138/112/127Prix : 750 €Equipement


Stöckli Stormrider 95

All Mountain (Homme)

If the new Stormrider 95 is much more expensive than other skis on the market, it is because its manufacture is largely done by hand. The production time is no longer counted in hours, but in days. So that if you avoid exploding your boards on rocks, this pair of Stormriders will last you much longer than any other ski. Stockli has also worked on weight reduction, which is crucial for a wide ski. The brand has managed to place as thick and solid sides as a track skiing, while saving weight in the invisible parts. At the nucleus, Paulownia wood saves precious grams without sacrificing pop. Stöckli added a 100 % recycled polyethylene material this year to reinforce the turn in turn and reduce vibrations. The very light rocker at the front and the songs absorbing shocks allow easy driving on flexible snow and outside the slopes. On the track, the piloting is soft without ever being soft. "You can go for it or ski quietly". 132/95/123Prix: € 979


Armada Reliance 92 Ti

All Mountain (Femme)

Cutting large curves on the track between friends and making some excursions outside the slopes is a typical day for most skiers.And that’s exactly why the Reliance 92 was designed.Ski - with its rocker - is wide enough to wear powder, but not too much to stay handy on track.The titanal reinforcement and the Karuba wood nucleus ensure excellent grip when you go from traffic to hard snow."Large curves, short turns ... This ski is dynamic, but both stable and easy to handle".Very versatile, it pleased the whole editorial team.131/92/117Prix: € 799.95 (with fixing)


Rossignol Experience 86 Ti

All Mountain x piste (homme)


We have appreciated the Rossignol Experience range for a long time;It offers grip and stability without requiring too much driving.It is therefore with a little apprehension that we tested the new 86 TI, which this year presents a much more important rocker than the original experience 88. The goal is to improve off-piste performance and to returnSkiing even easier to turn.Our doubts were quickly swept away, "it's always a very playful ski on track and with so much rocker, it's even easier in off-piste".The other advantage is that when you add more rocker to the spatula, you increase your grip and stability in the curves.The more you engage in the curve, the more the length of the 86 ti squares increases.At full speed and in full turn, you don't feel the rocker at all.If you spend 70 % of your time on the slopes, the 86 TI is for you.132/86/120Prix: € 629.90


Völkl Kenja 88

All Mountain x piste (femme)

Forget for a moment all marketing terms.The objective of each manufacturer is to design skis so intuitive that they give you the feeling of being an extension of your body - capable of both sending and skiing gently effortlessly.Among the twenty pairs (versatile for the track) tested this year, the Völkl Kenja 88 appeared obvious."It is so intuitive that it seems to anticipate each turn.It is super precise, clear and lively, without needing to hire all day. "A performance due in part to the side shape of Völkl, which incorporates three turnover rays to facilitate the different inputs and outputs of turns.To gain weight, the brand cut the center of the titanium plate sandwich inside the base.Most of the reinforcement is concentrated on the squares, where it transfers the most power.129/88/111Prix: € 679.90



Freeride (homme)

With 102 at the skate, the Ranger Fr seems to be too fine to be credible in powder.But thanks to a "Twin-Tip" shape and a generous rocker, it is perfectly suitable for most powder days-with 45 cm of fresh snow.And the days without, it spends very well for a track day thanks to its wooden nucleus reinforced by two titanium plates.In short, it is a ski to do everything, as comfortable to cut the curves on track as for freeride.So much so that one of our testers, a former Olympic athlete, wondered if the ranger was not the most versatile ski ever tested.It may well be, but only if you ski 10 to 15 km/h faster than everyone.This is not a ski reserved for experts, but it comes to life with speed.It is ideal for those who are off-piste 50 % of the time.136/102/126Prix: € 499.90


Rossignol Blackops w Rallybird Ti

Freeride (femme)

"The Blackops W Rallybird Ti is a hell of a toy", it returns such energy at the end of the turn that you can engage much stronger than what you are normally capable of doing. Among all the ski women tested, it is the one that provides the most power, but which remains accessible. Sending an "nose butter" (a pivot on the spatulas) has never been easier. At low speed, skiing is very playful, and as the ski is accelerating immediately. You gain confidence in each curve. This feeling of balance comes from the construction of the nucleus - old -fashioned, made up of Paulownia wood laminated vertically with straight songs - and long prototyping work to obtain the right flex on each length. But that's not all, the Rallybird Ti has two systems to reduce vibrations. The first incorporates two vertical layers of rubber material into the nucleus to amortize the ground. The second is a layer of rubber to mitigate vibrations even more. This is the most efficient freeride skiing we have tested. 137/102/127Prix: 730 €


Pure Scott


When you ski quickly in Haute-Montagne, far from the ski areas, you need perfectly stable skiing on all types of land and snow.You will also prefer a heavier ski which will certainly slow down the climb, but which will boost your confidence in the descents.This is the concept of the Freerando and that is exactly why the pure was designed.This ski is perfectly stable and robust enough for all slopes.It allows you to cut curves at full speed thanks to a wide radius, even on steep and changing grounds.A mixture of titanium, aramid and carbon fiber alloy makes it robust but energetic at full speed."It is a powerful ski, more comfortable in Haute-Montagne than in the forest or in a field of bumps.»142/109/128Prix: € 649.90


Agent faction 4.0

Ski de rando

The faction agent range has been designed to progress easily in the mountains, whether it is up or down.Agent 4.0 is a particularly successful, ultra-light skiing (1800 grams), versatile and easy in all conditions.It is built around a karuba wood nucleus to gain weight and excludes any metal material for the same reason, which makes it very handy up.And with a 116mm wide skate and a pronounced rocker, the descent is a breeze, even on changing snow.You can legitimately think that it is a ski too wide for hiking, but consider it as an insurance policy."He is able to transform a rotten day, in bad snow, into a dream session".Mounted with a hybrid fixation, he is a backcountry killer.141/116/131Prix: € 749

Photo d'en-tête : Outside
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