Grover's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatments

30/05/2022 By acomputer 874 Views

Grover's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatments

Grover's disease, also known as acantholytic dermatosisPassager or transient acantholytic dermatosis, is a skin pathology.It generally affects adult people, and more precisely men who are over 45 years old.Grover's disease is characterized by the appearance of red spots that mostly locate on the back, the abdomen and on the chest with intense itching.Causes, symptoms, including diagnosis and the same treatment, let us shed light on this disease.

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What is Grover's disease?

Grover's disease is a fairly rare skin condition.It is characterized by the appearance of sudden red bumps, blistered and often very irritating.Spots are formed around the middle of the body.These bumps are slightly raised, but seem hard or soft to the touch.Water -filled blues can appear right next to or inside the bumps.In other people, it is materialized by bulbs.

The person with Grover's disease has the feeling of having their affected skin similar to a sunburn.The area covered by Grover Lamaladie is dry, which gives an impression of burn.Sensations of tingling, bites and tingling appear and disappear

Grover's disease in most cases lasts 6 to 12 months.In other people, she can last more than that.

According to other sources, Grover's disease mainly affects white men who are aged 50 and over but is less frequent in women and young people.

Scientific description of Grover's disease

Grover's disease is one of the benign, non -contagious but unknown origin.

Aspect of the disease: monomorphic, scaly and erythematosus papulo-vesicular foci from 1 to 3 mm on the trunk, or on the back.The mucosa and acral sites are spared.

Characteristic of Grover's disease

Acantholysis is the main pathological change that occurs in cases of pemphigus (dermatosis which is characterized by an eruption of bubbles, filled with serous liquid) and its variants, as the case of Grover's disease.

Acantholysis is defined as a loss of coherence between the cells of the epidermis, due to a rupture of the intercellular points which are called desmosomes. These cells remain in place but, are no longer attached to each other.

Maladie de Grover: Symptômes, Diagnostic et Traitements

Epidermal cells tend to acquire the smallest possible surface and round, which generally causes vesicles, intra-epidermal slots and bubbles that are noticed about the person with grover disease.

The causes of Grover's disease

Grover's disease usually occurs as a result of protein changes which have the role of helping to maintain skin cells together.Such modifications can then cause partial degradation of the skin.This degradation can lead to Grover's disease in some people.

Scientists do not have a certainty of what really causes this disease.Some believe that it is caused by environmental damage to the skin.

Although there is no exact cause, some elements can be triggered from Grover's disease:

According to some specialists in skin diseases, Grover's disease is due to a combination of different elements.

Symptoms of Grover's disease

Grover's disease generally manifests itself by rashes.These eruptions are mainly located on different parts of the body.They can also be dispersed or gathered with different sizes. We can then see:

Symptoms of Grover's disease can last approximately 5 to 12 months but can disappear earlier or take even more time before disappearing.

Diagnosis of Grover's disease

Before you offer treatment, your doctor will examine the rash.Shaved skin biopsy can sometimes be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.This process consists in numbing the area of the skin where the rash is located so that the patient feels no pain.We then use a tool to take a sample of one of the rash bumps.The biopsy can leave a slight scar later.

Generally, Grover's disease is confused with other skin disorders of which here are some examples:

Treatment of grover disease

There is no standard treatment for Grover's disease.Dermatologists have a large number of treatments to help reduce Lessymptoms.

If you suffer from Grover's disease, (slight form) the first treatments could be:

If you suffer from the advanced form (serious symptoms), your doctor will suggest antibiotics or retinoids that you are going to take orally.These drugs, in some cases, can create side effects.Do not hesitate to discuss with your doctor, the risks and advantages of the drugs that are prescribed.

Serious symptoms can sometimes be difficult to treat and can continue to come back from time to time.It is then important that treatment is done over the long term.In the event that this happens, your doctor may prescribe light therapy (light therapy), reconciled with other drugs. Here are some treatments to be used in case of serious symptoms:

The perspiration that can worsen the rash, your doctor may also ask you to reduce all the activities that could cause you a lot of perspiration. Also, can he recommend that you do not take too many baths and showers.

Some essential oils to protect your skin

Hormis les traitements susmentionnés, vous pouvez aussi utiliser certaines huiles essentielles afin de limiter la maladie de Grover :

Black seed oil

L’utilisation de l’huile de nigelle permet de reconstituer les lipides. Les lipides ont pour principale caractéristique, d’apporter à la peau, des qualités nutritives et adoucissantes.Sur les peaux à problèmes, comme celles développant la maladie deGrover, l’huile de nigelle apaise, purifie et prévient la formation des bosses. Aussi, calme-t-elle les irritations et régénère la peau. Elle peut alors être un parfait complément des traitements médicaux pour la maladie de Grover.

Sesame oil

Rich in vitamin E, selenium, lecithin and sesamoline, sesame oil is known to soften the skin and regenerate it.It also has antioxidant properties, which makes it ideal ingredient for anti-aging care.Sesame oil is also appreciated by more than one, for its penetrating power and its sliding touch.It can then relieve you of Grover's disease.

Calendar oil

This oil is renowned for its calming and soothing properties.Calendula oil helps soothe the irritated, sensitive skin or skins with sunburn.Rich in Faradiol, it easily relieves rastered rashes of all kinds.It also plays the role of antioxidant and protects from cell degeneration.

Avocado oil

Rich in vitamins C and E, carotenoids, fatty acids and minerals, avocado oil has healing and softening virtues.It has the capacity to hydrate, nourish and soften the skin in depth, leaving a subtle odor.It is also recommended to alleviate scars and stretch marks, but also for its anti-wrinkle action.It is strongly recommended in the relief of itching created by Grover's disease.

Grover's disease is not at all contagious. You can then get in touch with other people without endangering them.However, it is preferable to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms occurred.