Health / Women: Here are the dangers of wearing a string, doctors alert on ...

07/02/2023 By acomputer 746 Views

Health / Women: Here are the dangers of wearing a string, doctors alert on ...

Slip is an essential accessory in female lingerie, used as a tool for seduction and attraction.

However, the underpants can prove to be the source of many health problems in women, especially if it is poorly chosen.

On the market, traders offer a whole range of cheapest to the most expensive female underwear, from the most provocative to the simple underside to better feel.

If some opt for simplicity, others do not play in lace.

Santé / Femmes : voici les dangers du port de string, les médecins alertent sur…

And in recent years, a particular type of underwear has emerged and recorded a great success with the ladies: the thong, a kind of underpants with strings and without the traditional space that covers the buttocks.

Despite its seductive side and the fact that it does not leave traces under the dresses and tight skirts, it has disadvantages on health.

Des problèmes sur lesquels ont alerté les docteurs Shieva Ghofrany, obstétricienne et gynécologue et Jill Maura Rabin, professeur à Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s health à l’Albert Einstein College of Medicine aux États-Unis.

According to them, wearing the thong can increase the risk of urinary and vaginal infections in people who are predisposed to this.Also, skin irritation, even in the absence of hemorrhoids, remains high.

Indeed, the fine form of the thong as well as the material with which it is manufactured, lace in general, are not at all soft towards this intimate and delicate part and can create inflammation.

This is why the Dr..Ghofrany highlights the importance of wearing cotton underwear.This material allows the skin to breathe, unlike lace or any other synthetic material that retains humidity in this area and therefore promote the proliferation of bacteria, which can cause infections.

In addition, the fact that the thong is so fine, it leaves the vulva exposed because it is not entirely covered.She therefore comes into contact with the clothes brought above, jeans, pants ... which are often made with synthetic materials also like Lycra.

But not that, this fine strap of the thong, placed at the crotch, moves easily and can thus cause bacteria transfer from one to the next.So, according to Dr..Rabin, if the back of the thong contains bacteria, e.coli in particular, they can easily find themselves in the vagina, if you are physically active.