In images, in pictures.Seine et Marne.Narcotic trafficking: the disaster towards the decor

22/08/2022 By acomputer 720 Views

In images, in pictures.Seine et Marne.Narcotic trafficking: the disaster towards the decor

Point of sale of drugs, the square of Lorient, in Melun, is often targeted by the police.If the tower must be demolished, it is the inhabitants who pay the heaviest price.

Par Julien Van Caeyseele Publié leLa République de Seine et MarneVoir mon actu

"Be careful, where you set foot," warns the agent of the cleaning company.On the ground, puddles of urine and excrement are present on all floors."There are even some who spread this on the walls, it looks like it's just to piss off the world ..."

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A "cleaning" operation was diligent by the lessor, Habitat 77, within the Tower of 13 square in Lorient, in the Montaigu district, in Melun.The intervention, supervised by Melun Val de Seine's GSP (GSP group) police (Wednesday, March 24, after a security operation on Wednesday, March 24.

« C’est un cercle vicieux»»

"Doors, sofa, armchair: the objective is to withdraw all bulky items that dealers bring back to block access to the floors, specifies one of the housing managers 77.They go so far as to taste the technical ducts to hinder the police officers.»»

But in the middle of all this, it is the inhabitants who drink. Certains ont même laissé des messages aux trafiquants, affichés sur les murs dans les escaliers : « Arrêtez de chier et de pisser ici»».It must be said that the sellers also leave it.

From the entrance hall, the tags announce the point of sale and the Snapchat account which allows you to contact the dealers.Cannabis, grass and cocaine resin: sale products are displayed on the walls, accompanied by messages for police officers.

In a few hours, the cleaning company filled the back of a van: so many furniture that will no longer get the stairs ... at least until the next installation and the return of the dealers that always come back ...

Methodical excavation

En images. Seine-et-Marne. Trafics de stupéfiants : le sinistre envers du décor

"It's good to clean, but it is useless, is distinguished by a resident.As soon as the police have set sail, they are back, it is a vicious circle.»» Parallèlement au nettoyage, les policiers examinent minutieusement tous les coins et cachettes possibles.

In one of the technical ducts, one of the civil servants puts hand on a pocket containing grass sachets.The day before, the building had already been searched, especially with the help of a specialized dog.

« Dès que vous partez, il sont de retour…»»

In the floors, a resident opens his door because of the stirring, linked to the methodical excavation.In front of him, a police officer.But man does not seem surprised by this morning face-to-face."It's still you," he says, impavid.Anyway, as soon as you leave, five minutes, after they are back.»»

La scène est connue et semblable à tous les points de vente : des guetteurs qui hurlent « ça passe»» dès que des policiers s’approchent de l’immeuble. « Puis ils filent se cacher et reviennent juste après»», rabâche-t-il.On the side of the lessor Habitat 77, we talk about a work as a sisyphus and always under police protection.

"We may clean the halls and withdraw everything, they systematically come back," concedes Denis Jullemier, the president of Habitat 77.We stopped installing new residents in this tower which is gangrenous by traffic, but we cannot leave those who live there without doing anything for them.»»

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However, the feeling of abandonment is prevailing among the inhabitants.If the tower is one of the sites that will be demolished as part of the new urban renovation program its demolition - unlike other buildings referred to as Schuman and Chateaubriand - does not suffer from any dispute.

« C’est l’une des premières opérations de démolition que nous mettrons en place»», promet-il, évoquant une échéance d’ici 2023 ou 2024.For their part, the police continue their progress.

In a sheath, they discover a precision balance, used to weigh the amounts of drugs. Au 11e étage, un homme est installé sur le palier, allongé sur un matelas, le visage caché sous une couverture.

« Harcèlement permanent»»

« Pourquoi vous dormez-ici ?»», lance le policier.But the relaxed man is not a dealer. « Je suis actuellement sans-abri, je suis venu ici pour dormir»», répond-il, mi-endormi, mi-gêné.The civil servant advises him to head to a center of the city center.He picks up his belongings and leaves without asking for his rest.

Arrived on the top floor, the police even check the hatch to access the roof of the building. « Certains n’hésitent pas à s’y cacher»», se souvient un policier.This time, research will not succeed.

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"It is a work of permanent harassment, justifies Samuel Fy, commissioner in charge of the public road service at the Melun Val de Seine agglomeration.Our operations-whether visible or not-are intended to ensure the tranquility of the inhabitants, whether it is here, or in other points of sale like the 17, avenue du Maréchal-Juin, at the Almont.»»

Verbalizations for customers

Sometimes short -lived respite for residents, according to police interventions.In addition to the dealers, the police also target customers who indirectly maintain the difficult living conditions of the inhabitants.Thus, the police multiply the verbalizations at 200 €, of the amount of the flat -rate fine fine.

« Une manière de les dissuader de venir»», poursuit-il. « On gêne les trafiquants, mais c’est un travail de perpétuel recommencement»», conclut Samuel Fy.Nicknamed Tour de Papel by the dealers -in reference to the Casa de Papel series -it is especially seen as an infernal tower for the inhabitants.

This is where an individual had tried to saw the grinder, the mast of a video surveillance camera, too embarrassing for trafficking.A scene filmed in the middle of the day and broadcast on social networks.And always with local residents.

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