In Livarot Pays d'Auge, he hurts his friend and rival in love: 6 months firm

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In Livarot Pays d'Auge, he hurts his friend and rival in love: 6 months firm

Un homme de 25 ans a été jugé en comparution immédiate mercredi 10 novembre 2021. Il avait à répondre de violence avec usage d’une arme ayant entraîné une ITT de 5 jours. A Livarot Pays d’Auge, il blesse son ami et rival amoureux : 6 mois ferme A Livarot Pays d’Auge, il blesse son ami et rival amoureux : 6 mois ferme

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Le Pays d'Auge
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Unknown to justice for acts of violence, the man who is perfectly inserted socially and professionally has nothing of the "ordinary" offender.Described by those around him as someone calm, he says he acted out of jealousy.

This disease - that he says he tries to fight - could have led him before a seat courtyard."We did not go from drama in this case," said the prosecutor.You could have been prosecuted for attempted murder.»»

Expelled from the nightclub

The facts took place in Livarot (Calvados) Saturday November 6 around 7:30 am. La veille, en début de soirée, le mis en cause se rend en compagnie de la femme qu’il fréquente depuis environ 5 mois chez son « meilleur ami»» et collègue, habitant à Livarot.

This friendly evening continues in the Lisieux nightclub. Vers 2h30 du matin, il est « invité»» à quitter l’établissement en raison de son comportement vindicatif.

His partner is with his friend

During the hearing, he explains that his friend had displaced gestures towards his spouse.Much later, while waiting for their outing in the cold, he sees her driving his car, accompanied by her colleague.

A Livarot Pays d’Auge, il blesse son ami et rival amoureux : 6 mois ferme

It is only at the time of closing the establishment that one of the employees renews it at home.At the wheel of his vehicle, the defendant goes to his friend around 7 am and notes what he feared: his spouse's car is parked in front of the building.

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Honestly concealing the level of mason which was in his van, he was given the keys to the apartment by the near merchant, used to giving them with the tenant's agreement.Alerted by the din that comes from the floors a few seconds later, it is he who will call the gendarmerie.

The bloody face, the broken TV

By entering the apartment, the gendarmes find that the tenant has a bloody face and that the television is broken.The man says he was surprised by the arrival of his colleague when he was lying on the sofa with the young woman.

He would have threw himself on him and would have worn him several shots on his head and the whole body with his level.Suffering from head wounds and several bruises, he will be prescribed 5 days of ITT prescribed by the medico-judicial unit.

« C’est elle qui a fait l’erreur»»

His attacker had left the premises rushed by putting the tool to the merchant who interposed.As for the young woman, who had fled dressed in her only underwear, she was collected in the street by a neighbor.

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The respondent, attached by the gendarmes shortly after the facts, will go to the appointment which was set to him and then placed in police custody."She was the one who made the mistake.»» L’explication lancée d’une voix lasse par le prévenu fait réagir la présidente."May things be clear: she is an adult!"We must not distort the debate.»»

The sky falls on his head

L’agression était-elle « gratuite»» – comme l’a qualifiée la procureure – ou « pas entièrement gratuite»», selon l’avocat de la défense ? Le couple était-il en plein ébat ou seulement allongé sur le canapé ? Le rival était-il le meilleur ami du prévenu ? Les sentiments que celui-ci portait à son amie étaient-ils réciproques ?

Questions that have remained unanswered that will have no influence on the judges."He goes to the foot of the building and sees the car of his spouse.The sky falls on his head.His blood is only one tour.»» Pour l’avocat de la défense, c’est la pire des choses qui est arrivée à l’homme qui voulait en avoir « le cœur net»» et n’a pas su maîtriser ses impulsions."This unwanted situation and the violence it caused excuses by the accused's reaction, but she explains it.»»

Not an excuse but an explanation

The man is sentenced to 15 months in prison including 9 suspended probationary for 2 years.He will execute the firm part of his sentence in the form of an electronic bracelet.He has the obligation to follow psychological care and he is prohibited from getting into contact with his victim and the young woman.

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He will have to pay his colleague the sum of € 2,000 for the suffering endured, € 1,500 for his moral damage, € 660 in compensation for the TV and € 850 for his lawyers.The court pronounced the confiscation of the level of mason, considered to be a weapon by destination.

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