In New York, in the middle of COVVI-19 pandemic, the fifth dream avenue of the Roaring Twenties

12/12/2022 By acomputer 704 Views

In New York, in the middle of COVVI-19 pandemic, the fifth dream avenue of the Roaring Twenties

Il ne suffit pas de prendre rendez-vous : il faut aussi faire contrôler sa température et faire la queue. En attendant, un vendeur demande aux clients s’ils ont déjà jeté leur dévolu sur un modèle en particulier. Malheur à celui ou celle qui répondra par la négative, l’impression de gêner sera immédiate. Et, une fois à l’intérieur du magasin, la déception guette parfois : tous les modèles ne sont pas en stock. Apple vantait depuis des années l’« expérience » dans ses Apple Store. Par temps de pandémie de Covid-19, sur la Cinquième Avenue aux portes de Central Park, l’« expérience » est désastreuse.A New York, en pleine pandémie de Covid-19, la Cinquième Avenue rêve des Années folles A New York, en pleine pandémie de Covid-19, la Cinquième Avenue rêve des Années folles

In early January, the prestigious New York avenue is only the shadow of itself.The Tiffany store, just bought by Bernard Arnault, is under construction, extended until 2022, and welcomes the customer in temporary premises.You always have to arm yourself with a little courage to go to Gucci, property of Kering, who has the misfortune of being located at the bottom of the Trump Tower, still guarded by the police at the end of the presidential reign.

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Nike sellers or Bulgari jeweler welcome rare customers with their modernized pasts, while a worker is busy sticking posters on a Victoria’s Secret store having clearly closed its doors definitively.Lack of tourists and businessmen, the prestigious Plaza Hotel and the surrounding restaurants are closed and the avenues deserted.

Pre -existing evils

A New York, en pleine pandémie de Covid-19, la Cinquième Avenue rêve des Années folles

Alors le Covid-19 aura-t-il raison de ce rendez-vous mythique, situé à l’intersection de la Cinquième Avenue et de la 57e Rue, là où se rejoignent le quartier des affaires (Midtown) et le quartier résidentiel chic de l’Upper East Side ?

No, respond to the sector specialists, even if the crisis is severe."After the covid, people will want to return to New York and New York on the fifth avenue, because that's where it happens.The fifth avenue is the gateway to the American dream, ”notes the Frenchman Jérôme Barth, president of the Fifth Avenue association, with his hundreds of Americans who make their marriage proposal with their engagement ring justPurchased from Tiffany.

"It is impossible for New York's experience to disappear.We already heard this speech ten or fifteen years ago during the emergence of Dubai: it was the new Mecca, the new avant-garde of art and luxury, "Forget Paris and New York".This has never happened, because Dubai was a purely commercial company and did not have this culture which requires this freedom of spirit of movement and integration that New York offers to everyone, ”says Thomai Serdari, professorLuxury specialist in New York University.

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