It is now forbidden to wear this particular garment in North Korea

04/01/2023 By acomputer 590 Views

It is now forbidden to wear this particular garment in North Korea


Kim-Jong Un is now hunting Western clothes. Among them, a ubiquitous model in our country is now banned in North Korea.

“North Korea is one of the countries in which human rights are the least respected, although the leaders of this country strongly contest it”, this is how the description of the country's policy regarding human rights begins on the Wikipedia page. It must be said that a host of seemingly banal activities are prohibited there. Among them, we can cite the prohibition to crumple or fold a newspaper (a huge outrage given that the portrait of the leader must surely be there), to be called Kim, to play music, to choose his cut hair or drinking alcohol.

An invasion of the capitalist style

But another of the many prohibitions concerns jeans, and not just any, skinny jeans. If the North Korean government wants his skin, it is because he would be "a symbol of Western capitalism" which would risk "collapse the country" according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap. Along with it, branded t-shirts, nose and lip piercings, and mullet cuts are also listed as prohibited styles in a recent executive order.

It is now forbidden to wear this item of clothing especially in North Korea

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The agency also quotes an article recently published by Rodong Sinmum, the official newspaper of the North Korean government: "History teaches us a crucial lesson: a country can become vulnerable and end up collapsing like a damp wall. , regardless of its economic and defense power, if we do not cling to our own lifestyle”.

In December, North Korea enacted a law that severely punishes the possession of videos made in South Korea, as part of efforts to prevent the influx of outside culture that could influence the people's ideology .