A Kyrgyz blogger collects more than a hundred testimonies of sexual harassment

26/09/2022 By acomputer 673 Views

A Kyrgyz blogger collects more than a hundred testimonies of sexual harassment

Droits des femmesHarcèlementKirghizstanSociétéTraductionViolences

Blogger Kirghize Aziza Mourzachova conducted an investigation on her Instagram page on the theme of harassment.She asked the girls if they had already been harassed, and the answers continue to flock.The Kyrgyz Kloop media published a long comment from the blogger and some testimonies of women.

Novastan takes up and translates here an article published on June 12, 2021 by the media Kyrgyz Kloop.

According to the National Statistics Service, the number of crimes against women only increase.In 2019 alone, 4,400 crimes against women were committed in the territory of the Kirghize Republic, 14 % more than in 2018.In 2019, 6,687 people called on crisis centers, including 90 % women.

After a publication of blogger Kyrgyz Aziza Mourzachova on Instagram, more than 100 women shared personal harassment stories.Klopp collected the testimony of the blogger as well as some of those published on Instagram.These testimonies are published anonymously with the authorization of the persons concerned.

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Please note, these stories contain descriptions of violence, harassment and intimidation.

Des femmes toujours blâmées pour le harcèlement qu’elles subissent

The following text is the testimony of Aziza Mourzachova.

"I shared my own story about how I was harassed by a university teacher and I gave an interview on this subject to regional media.When the content was published, most commentators blamed me for the harassment of which I had been the victim.

I understood that our society still does not recognize how serious harassment is and that girls are not to be blamed in such situations.Before that, I did a survey on Instagram with the question: "Do you feel safe?The answer was negative in 80 % of cases.I talked about situations where I feel that I am not safe as a girl.For example, when you run in the morning, you can get whistling and tap on the buttocks.

« Vous sentez-vous en sécurité ?»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

This time, I decided to discover specific stories, see if my subscribers were victims of harassment.Honestly, when I had planned to do a new investigation, I thought there would be a maximum of 15 to 20 testimonies, because all the girls would not dare to tell it.In addition, I don't have many subscribers, only a thousand or something like that, so I thought there would be few stories.But unfortunately and my amazement, there have been many.

More than a hundred girls have written private messages to me, others directly in the survey window.Some continued to write to me even after the end of the survey.Unknowns wrote to me, there were so many that my Instagram messaging had interrupted.

I was terribly shocked when I understood the extent of the problem.I do not want to give unfounded information because there is no official data, but it seems to me that one in two girls, even each girl, has already been harassed at least once.We are aware of it, but we don't really understand it.

Reading each of these stories shaken me.I couldn't bear it, I cried and I had a heartache.In particular, there was the story of a brother who violated his own 6 year old sister.It's just horrible.We realize that it happens next to us.If we ask our knowledge, friends, colleagues, neighbors if they were harassed, the answer is "yes".It is terrible that our women and girls live in such a society.

« C’est horrible que nous ayons peur, que nous vivions dans la peur»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Each of these girls said that when she saw a group of men in the street, she was looking for a place to turn, to find another road, or to cross the street.It's not normal, it's unacceptable.

Most harassment occurs in public transport, in minibus, even if it seems that there are always a lot of people and that passengers should intervene.But no, that doesn't happen.Some girls have written that they had not used public transport for five years, only for fear of being harassed.Therefore, they use the taxi or have passed to personal transport.It is also unacceptable, because everyone cannot afford to go to private transport.

My hair stood when young women told how their loved ones harassed it.In fact, brothers or uncles are people in whom girls have a priori confidence, because they are dear people, parents, but harassment takes place from these people and it's terrible.The worst part is that girls justify themselves when they tell their stories.They say: "You know, I was not wearing tight clothes", "my skirt was below the knees", "I wore a hijab", "I was not wearing a showy makeup".That is to say, society persecutes the girls so much that they are starting to justify themselves.

Des souvenirs douloureux

Each girl must understand that even if she is dressed in a short skirt or a dress with open neckline, no one has the right to touch her and harass her.Clothes are not a signal that must cause harassment.Many girls have said it was painful for them to remember it, that they had never talked about it to anyone before;Pain lives them even in their souls.

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Une blogueuse kirghize recueille plus d’une centaine de témoignages de harcèlement sexuel

I am shocked that my survey aroused such an echo and that so many girls have written to me.I didn't know there would be as many stories.How many girls are silent?It's terrible.

Most importantly, I think you have to educate girls and tell them how to defend their limits.Boys also need to be educated, it is necessary to transmit the importance of respecting the limits of others.

I recorded all the stories on my Instagram account, in the Stories section, especially for those who say: "Why do we need feminism, which encroaches on our rights, when we already live very well!I ask those to read these stories.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Témoignages anonymes de harcèlement de rue

"They masturbated by watching us play, while we were only little girls.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"I crossed the pedestrian passage, it was then that I touched my buttocks, despite the fact that I wear a hijab.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"In 5th class (CM2 in France, editor's note), my friend and I returned on foot given that we live near the school.We were in the process of returning and it was then that we met a 40 -year -old man who came to us with his tight pants, his visible penis and started to ask us questions. Je me souviens de ce moment où j’ai attrapé mon amie par la main et où nous nous sommes enfuies !»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

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"In 2013, my friend and I went on foot near the sports palace.It was in the afternoon.We were dressed as ordinary students.No heels, no showing makeup, no short clothes.Three guys walked towards us.I managed to spread out and my friend was just placed between them.Two tightened it between them and one kissed it.She turned around, grabbed her arm and asked why he did that. Il l’a frappée à la mâchoire avec les mots « ta mère la pute»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».

We were in shock.A boy and a girl have passed. Le garçon a voulu intervenir mais la fille l’en a empêché en disant« ça ne nous regarde pas»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».We ran after them, but we couldn't catch them.We wrote a statement to the police, but the guys were not found.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

«I was very scared at the time and I thought about it all night»»»»»»»»

"I was about five or six years old.I went out to play in the courtyard, but my friends were not there and I was walking alone.When I sit on a bench, a man about 45 years old sat next to me, he had a turtle and started to show it to me, and of course I was small and interested.He started to bring his hand closer to me while he was on the bench.I thought there was no problem.

Then he approached my skirt and started lifting it a little.I asked him to remove his hands and replied that I had dirt, that he was cleaning it.I thought it, but I was on my guard.Then the boys in the court came to us and started playing balloon.I was very happy, then this man started to say that the turtle had a lot of babies, and that they were at home.He asked me if I wanted to go see them, but I replied that I was not allowed to follow strangers.He laughed and started trying to persuade me to follow him.

He started bringing his hands closer to my buttocks.I was very frightened.And the boys looked at us a little with disbelief.Well, they were like my brothers, so to speak.And at that time, my mother came running and brought me home.I was very scared at the time and I thought about it all night.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

« J’ai développé la peur de porter des robes»»»»»»»»

" Hello.I also want to tell my story.I was in 10th class (first in France, editor's note).It was the last call of the school year, and all the girls had made her beautiful to take a photo-souvenir at school.I was in dress: she was ample, but not short, to the knees.

Going home after school, I met a group of guys.As I saw them, I tried directly to turn back, but there was nowhere where to go. C’est alors qu’ils se sont mis à siffler, à chanter et à un moment ils ont juste remonté ma robe, et je me suis retrouvée avec les fesses dénudées dans la rue… Après cet événement, j’ai développé la peur de porter des robes…»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Histoires de harcèlement d’écolières anonymes

"At school, the boys could look and touch the pubis directly.»»»»»»»»

"A 11th grade student openly attacked at school.I was in 8th class and I was shy when I had to talk to people.Then this guy boasted with his friends to have slept with me.Rumors have spread throughout the school, but no one has discovered the truth.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

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"Older guys than me often mocked, shouted things to me, gave elbow to their friends.I am 14 today and I do not dress at all with tight clothes.In school, boys harass me, do not ask the right questions at all and make unhealthy allusions.Guys often look at me, me and my friends.When I was little, a parent attacked me.My dad treated him with various obscene words. Eprouver du dégoût pour le sexe opposé à 20 ans, d’accord, mais à 14 ans…»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Histoires anonymes de harcèlement au travail

"At work, a colleague harassed me horribly.He could come from behind and whisper in my ear: "I dreamed of you tonight.And below you are dark.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Il me poursuivait.I didn't know what to do, I almost made a nervous breakdown.I ended up resigning.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"My manager, an elderly man, touched the chest of a colleague who is divorced.She told us, but we can't do anything.She needs this work.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"At work, a man trapped me in a corner of the elevator.After that, I stopped taking the elevator, but harassment continued psychologically, with more than 150 calls, blackmail, pressure."I have contacts, I can do what I want.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Quand je me suis tournée vers la direction, ils m’ont dit : « Tu devrais être flattée qu’une telle personne fasse attention à toi»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».After such a declaration of management, I resigned.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

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"My boss started to harass me, first verbally, then the touching started.Then he claimed to want to teach me the massage, he undressed and went up on me.And there have been a lot of this kind of movements from him.He stopped only when I reminded him of professional ethics and threatened to file a complaint against him.I am 23 years old and terribly afraid of men.I feel dirty, they only see the vagina, not the person in this body.I don't feel safe in Kyrgyzstan and I don't trust anyone.»»»»»»»»

Histoires anonymes de harcèlement dans les transports

"In the minibus, before me, a man touched his erect penis while looking at me.I was dressed normally, without anything tight, not in short outfit and without makeup.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"I was 12 years old and I was traveling in a crowded trolleybus.Then I felt a man rub against me from behind and start sighing and moaning.I was simply paralyzed, I could neither shout nor move.And it continued until I leave the trolleybus without waiting for my stop.I didn't even bother to face this shit, I felt terribly disgusted and shameful.

It's been 24 years since this incident, but memories continue.I never talked to anyone about it.Now that I analyze this situation, I think of the fact that people have seen and heard it.No one stopped it.It's not just harassment, it's pedophilia.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"At 16, I was sitting near the window in the minibus, when a man sat next to me and started caressing my legs and between my legs.I couldn't escape.There were young people in the minibus, but they made fun of me.So, I managed to push it back and I fled.

My parents turned to the police.There was an incredible policewoman named Aïzada.I remember very well, she seemed to me to be a miracle woman, everyone respected her and feared her.This bastard was then found.His relatives tried to bribe my parents, but dad was ready to kill them all.This monster was only imprisoned 15 days.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Histoires anonymes de harcèlement par des proches

"It's hard for me to talk about it.One day, my stepfather fiddled with my chest. J’avais alors 14 ans, et je lui avais demandé : « Pourquoi tu fais ça ? Les pères ne font pas ça»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».It was then that he replied: "A father always has the right to do that.»»»»»»»»

I didn't tell anyone about it and I couldn't say it, because I was afraid of being tried or no one believes me.I still have a ball in my throat.Years later, my mother divorced and I couldn't bear it anymore, I told her about it.

She was shocked.She immediately accused him and replied that he had touched me by accident.He started to find excuses to say that it was not his fault and that he did not want him, that he had just accidentally touched me.But I remember that it was not at all by chance.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

«I could never talk to anyone about this affair»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"I was a schoolgirl, in 6th or 7th class.A parent lived in our house.I remember how at night, he quietly opened my blanket and caressed my buttocks.I was shocked, but for any reason, I couldn't say anything to anyone, or maybe I was afraid, I don't know.I hated him and still hates him.I could never talk to anyone about this affair.I was ashamed, I don't know why.

Growing up, I started to think and doubt myself. J’avais une question en tête et elle me hantait : « Suis-je vierge ou pas ?»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»», par la suite j’ai tout compris et j’ai lâché prise»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».

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"I was about 11 years old when a member of my family of the same age came to us.No one was at home.Learning that, he threw himself on me.I fell on the ground, but a phenomenal force appeared to me, I just pushed it away from me screaming.I chased it from the house.

He didn't do anything physically, but morally, I felt horribly badly.I didn't tell anyone about it.Because I have three brothers, they just kill it.And I was also afraid that I am pointing out and that we jase.

From my early childhood, my mother told me that you shouldn't be alone with male people, even with loved ones.Do not be touched.Shout without stopping if it happens.Always be on the alert.But I couldn't tell my mother either.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

« Je ne pouvais le dire à personne, car mon frère était beaucoup trop fort et il aurait pu me tuer»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

"When I was six or seven years old, I lived in the same room as my brother.My mother was already dead at the time.One night, I woke up and I felt uncomfortable;It was my brother who removed my clothes.It was repeated for six months, he looked at porn and tried to do it with me.One day, I slept in another room, but he came there too.While I was sleeping, he took off my clothes.Once he finished on my ass and told me to wipe it.

Then I had to go back to our room and at night, he undressed me and tried to stuff his penis in my mouth.He pushed his fingers into me when I was deeply asleep without my having time to wake up.One day, I was fed up and I put all the clothes that I had.That night, he didn't come to see me, and in the morning everyone asked me why I put so many clothes.I couldn't tell anyone because my brother was much too strong and he could have killed me ... At that time I was very afraid and no one knows about this story.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

Pas de poursuites judiciaires dans la plupart des cas

According to the association of crisis centers, 83 % of women in Kyrgyzstan have undergone psychological, physical or sexual violence in their family at least once.Most affected women have never gone to the police.

In 2017, the law on protection and defense against domestic violence was adopted.It forces the police to issue a protection order to any family member in the event of violence.Such a document prohibits the rapist from contacting the victim.

In 2019, nine students from the Slave Kirghizo-Russian University (KRSU) reported cases of harassment on the part of the religious study Denis Brousilovsky.One of the girls addressed the police. Cependant, les autorités chargées de l’application des lois ont abandonné les poursuites contre l’enseignant pour absence de corps du délit.

La lente évolution de la loi

In February 2021, Bichkek's internal affairs department published a social video on harassment and for the first time started talking about the problem.The department called for reporting cases of harassment and stressed that it is not only unwanted physical contact, but also verbal abuses or threats, malicious remarks and gross jokes.

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En mai 2021, le Conseil suprême du Kirghizstan a soumis au débat public le projet de loi « portant modification du Code du travail»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».According to the deputies who initiated it, the project was developed in order to protect the employee's right at personal inviolability, as well as to ensure the protection of the employee against harassment in the field of labor relations.

As a backdrop, deputies cite a study carried out with the support of the joint governance program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).The study indicates that 23 % of women who work, as well as 21.9 % of students, were victims of sexual harassment.The document indicates that 80 % of harassment cases occur in government agencies.According to the study, 70 % of women aged 20 to 38, single and in a situation of simple employees, are victims of harassment.

Aikokoull Ibrayeva Journalist for Klopp

Translated from Russian by Amir Ayat

Published by Luna-Rose Durot

Ready by white Amada

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[alt]Instagram / Aziza Mourzachova
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