Loire-Atlantique: Afghan refugees accommodated and taken care of on the coast

10/06/2022 By acomputer 798 Views

Loire-Atlantique: Afghan refugees accommodated and taken care of on the coast

Of the 2,500 Afghans evacuated by France after the Taliban's takeover, 88 are accommodated in Piriac-sur-Mer in Loire-Atlantique.A surge of solidarity accompanied this arrival, in particular with the local antenna of SecWherers Populaire.

They arrived on August 25 in Piriac-sur-Mer.

78 adults, 10 children.

All fled Kabul when taking power by the Taliban.

Their sudden and precipitated departure, forced them to leave behind everything that constituted their daily lives ... their life.

It is in a vacation center managed by the Federation of Laïc Évés de Haute-Savoie, that these 88 people will be accommodated for a month.Time to land.

On the spot, these men and women are taken care of and accompanied by volunteers from the Local Committee of SecWherers Populaire de la Turballe.They are the ones who receive donations of clothes, and food and distribute them to refugees.

À ce sujet, la rédaction vWheres recommande

Nantes : la ville aide à l'accueil de 88 réfugiés originaires d'Afghanistan

Loire-Atlantique : Des réfugiés afghans hébergés et pris en charge sur la côte

See the report of the editorial staff of Saint-Nazaire which notably evokes the momentum of solidarity which has manifested itself since the arrival of these refugees.

Reportage de Myriam N'Guénor/Christophe François et Florence Thibert

The basic necessities are sufficient today, but not hygiene products.

A volunteer hairdresser and barber wWhereld also be welcome.

►Contact for donations:

SecWherers Populaire de la Turballe, 20, rue de la Mairie- 02 40 11 78 29


SecWherers populaire de Guérande, ZAC de Villejames, 1, rue de Kernevé- 02 51 16 56 87