Lyon.Who devotes himself to paying shoes to ecologist Bruno Bernard?

07/08/2022 By acomputer 777 Views

Lyon.Who devotes himself to paying shoes to ecologist Bruno Bernard?

By Marco Polisson

Dans la droite ligne des sandalettes de l’adjoint écologiste du 4ème, le président EELV de la Métropole fait la joie des internautes avec sa dégaine de … (à vous de compléter).

Could someone devote himself to take Bruno Bernard in a male ready -to -wear boutique and then to a shoe maker?For almost a year, the environmental president of the Metropolis of Lyon has been dragged with the same costume and the same shot..We know that he has no problem of money since the Millionaire President is 5,000 euros per month and that he is the boss of a flourishing loving company.

Just a time of time probably overloaded - but that we no longer receive, weird, bizarre 😊 - and above all a big problem of incarnation of the function.

Even her mother Nicole is afflicted by her outfit… like the one immortalized on Thursday, April 29, 2021 and our faithful reader Yann F submitted to our attention.That day, Bruno Bernard received Hans-Dieter Lucas, German ambassador to Paris and Thomas Pröpstl, the new German consul of Germany in Lyon (photo below).

Lyon. Qui se dévoue pour payer des chaussures à l’écologiste Bruno Bernard ?

"We fall the masks for a photo in front of the exhibition from the Lugdunum museum.Reception at the Metropolis of Lyon of the German Ambassador and the Consul General of Lyon.Our relationships are beautiful, old and essential."Writes on Facebook Hélène Dromain, EELV vice-president in charge of international cooperation by posting the photo with a spelling mistake that is fine ...

Lyon - Germany, the lost match of elegance

We have chosen to zoom in the left part of the photo and compare the outfit of the two highest ranking characters ... who obviously have not received the same education in the protocol and good manners.On the left, the green president and on the right, the German ambassador.

Bruno Bernard's shirt collar in bulk ... Strongly contrasts with the impeccable bet of the ambassador who carries a tie, as is the use in the diplomatic world.His Excellency Hans-Dieter Lucas has buttoned his jacket which avoids the inconvenient neglected little presidential of his host who inflicts the same jacket eliminated with false pocket inlaid since July 2020.

No need to clarify which of the two characters wears a plug pants ... but it is especially at the level of the shoes that it fishes.We will not appear on those impeccably waxed of SE, but it is the Loques Made in China by Bruno Bernard who afflicted Yann, our whistleblower: "His shoes no but you saw that seriously?!Poor disgusting and completely smashed sneakers ... Shame on Him!»»

What more can be said ?

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Métropole de Lyon. La conseillère com’ de l’écologiste Bruno Bernard aura tenu 6 mois !