Many shootings in Rivière-des-Prairies "Lost bullets ... It happens often"

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Many shootings in Rivière-des-Prairies "Lost bullets ... It happens often"

"Never seen anything like in 37 years at DRP.»»

Publié le 5 août 2021Mayssa Ferah La Presse

PasqualeMonaco never thought of seeing a ball so close.Two streets from his home, in his Gray Audi, with his children on board.A Sunday at the end of the afternoon, between a church and a daycare, in front of twenty witnesses.The man in his forties was far from thinking that an exchange of shots would break the tranquility of a family walk, lastMay.

« Papa, tu t’es fait tirer dessus»», lui a dit sa fille de 12 ans.Firecrackers, he replied to him.He was trying to be reassuring.

"I knew it was not firecrackers.You feel the impact of a socket on a vehicle.»»

He deposited his teenager and his youngest at home, then returned to the scene of the exchange of shots, at the intersection of avenue Joliot-Curie and rue Huguet-Latour, in Rivière-des-Prairies.

He identified the Nissan Altima Blanche plate from which the projectiles seemed.The police searched the vehicle in Côte-des-Neiges.Another search took place in collaboration with the Toronto police, said theMontreal City Police Service (SPVM) in a brief press release a few weeks after the facts.

"Lost bullets.And it happens often. [Sur l’avenue] Élie-Beauregard, deux fois»», dit-il, assis près de la façade de sa maison de ville.

The shootings in Rivière-des-Prairies, he could formerly count them on the fingers of one hand. « Depuis trois ans, ça me prendrait plus comme quatre ou cinq mains»», lâche-t-il sans équivoque.He thinks of leaving, like many people in the neighborhood.

The episode could have cost her children's life.He originates from an argument between a group fromMontreal-Nord and another from Côte-des-Neiges.M.Monaco multiplie les échanges avec l’enquêteur au dossier.He calls for the police station twice a month.The SPVM has identified four suspects, it is said. « Aucune arrestation, faute de preuves»», lance-t-il en fronçant les sourcils. Il peine à comprendre, mais admet que le travail des policiers n’est « pas évident»».

Nombreuses fusillades à Rivière-des-Prairies « Des balles perdues… ça arrive souvent »

We know them.Mais on ne peut pas les arrêter.So these young people think they are stronger than the police.

PasqualeMonaco, résidant du secteur

In his youth, the Eclipse team was monitoring the situation."It's over, now.More teams specializing in our streets, it would not be refused.»»

He and his neighbor have installed security cameras from the incident, he said, pointing the gadget."No one here does not look over his shoulder.»»

"I have always been afraid of being intimidated»»

"A given moment, I called the police all the time.There were meetings, parties, even during the pandemic.Même pour le couvre-feu, les policiers n’avaient pas l’air de vouloir intervenir là»», chuchote d’un trait Stéphane Laberge.He lives in the building where the shooting on Monday evening occurred.The place is known to the SPVM: this is the Kollectaz profit lair.

"I have always been afraid of being intimidated.To say things. La seule raison pourquoi je parle maintenant, c’est qu’ils ont décidé de déménager»», dit-il en désignant l’appartement aux vitres fracassées.

He learned Wednesday morning from the mouth of the occupant's spouse that they were going to relocate, to ensure the security of the injured.The building itself seems in poor condition, with its brownish walls dotted with cracks. La luxueuse Infiniti et l’éclatanteMercedes noire stationnées aux abords du 9301, boulevard Perras détonnent.

Yes, sometimes you see things, but are you really going to call the police?To get you too in front of the convenience store.

Stéphane Laberge, resident of the building where the shooting on Monday evening occurred

Possible response

In front of the apartment where Alexandre Dunn lived, one of the five men targeted on Monday, a sober bouquet of flowers is placed on a small piece of furniture. L’homme de 45 ans était accompagné cette soirée-là deMolière Dantes (63 ans), Jerry Willer Jean-Baptiste (29 ans), Jefferson Syla (29 ans) et Jean RichardMilius (25 ans).They do not all have judicial history, but the three dead and the two wounded are known to the police officers.

Molière Dantes, killed in the shooting, had already been arrested for possession of weapons more than 10 years ago, to finally be acquitted for lack of proof.

Jerry Willer Jean-Baptiste, who died of his injuries, was also arrested for possession of drugs eight years ago.Six years ago, he was shot in the hip.He had survived this attempted murder at his parents, in Rivière-des-Prairies.The rapper did not want to collaborate with the police to identify the shooter.He also pleaded guilty to charges of restricted weapon in 2016.

Jefferson Syla, who also perished, had no criminal history.

Jean-Baptiste était mieux connu sous le sobriquetMackazoe.On social networks, several relatives of the rapper member of the Collective Profit Boyz commented on his death.There were not just tributes from relatives. « How does it feel to decompose in that grave bro ?»», écrit un rival, narguant dans la mort l’homme de 29 ans.

« We will get them bro, repose en paix»», indique un autre internaute.

Despite these ostentatious provocations which often occur on Instagram or Snapchat after shootings linked to street gangs, it remains difficult for the SPVM to make arrests.

"We cannot monitor individuals only because they are known to the police services.I think a police officer on every street corner is not what the population wants. Il faut prouver qu’un individu est responsable de tel crime, et l’exigence de cette preuve est très difficile»», a expliqué en entrevue mardi David Shane, porte-parole du SPVM.

Resources are mobilized to prevent possible settling of accounts, added the inspector.