Male underwear: Slips, boxers and padded tshirts, a taboo trend

22/02/2023 By acomputer 793 Views

Male underwear: Slips, boxers and padded tshirts, a taboo trend

LINGERIE - Vous êtes plutôt caleçon, slip... ou sous-vêtement rembourré? Depuis quelques années, les hommes ont en effet la possibilité, comme les femmes, de tricher sur leurs attributs. Les sous-vêtements masculins “effet wonderbra» sont déclinés en slips, boxers, voire t-shirts moulants et offrent la promesse de ressembler aux mannequins aussi sculpturaux que retouchés des magazines. Sous-vêtements masculins : slips, boxers et tshirts rembourrés, une tendance taboue Sous-vêtements masculins : slips, boxers et tshirts rembourrés, une tendance taboue

David Beckham, lui-même a été soupçonné d’avoir succombé au rembourrage de slip en 2013, à l’occasion du lancement de sa collection de sous-vêtements pour H&M.A rumor strongly denied by the principal interested.

Funkybod, Spanx or Sloggy, the “Wonderpec» and others are now very easy to find.A specific offer that meets a need that is just as much: according to a study by King’s College in London published in 2013, 30% of men are dissatisfied with the size of their sex.

The promise of becoming “handesome»

Sous-vêtements masculins : slips, boxers et tshirts rembourrés, une tendance taboue

Concretely, a padded underwear has a relief pocket, in elasthane that supports the sex of its user.In the same genre, tight tshirts promise to owner and tone their pectorals, while compressing the abdominal zone.Thus, naturally, the Spanx brand explains to you that you are “Not Handsome» (“not super»), a status that you can easily change by putting on a “miracle» tank top.


More sober when it is a subject as sensitive as the size of the penis, the American brand dispenses with comments to sell its 3D boxer.No comparisons before/after this time, Spanx just content with a product description.It must be said that unlike padded bra, which have become commonplace, put on padded underwear for a man is far from trivial.

A trend that dates...16th century

Like the corsets, padded or tighter male underwear is not coming from yesterday.“Already, in the 16th century, the fly, a woolen padded pocket accentuated the genitals to imitate erect sex, symbol of virility, explains Denis Bruna, Historian of fashion.

However, it is clear that this type of underwear has not had the same success as the bra and other sheath."Their contemporary use is taboo, notes Denis Bruna, commissioner of an exhibition on underwear at the Museum of Decorative Arts, in the past centuries, it is the body of the woman who has undergone the most interventions.In Western culture "The woman had to be beautiful and the terrible man": he had to take care of the war.Today, the imperative of beauty is gradually democratizing ".


Difficult to have the sales figures for this kind of product, no large brand contacted by the HuffPost wished to communicate on the subject.Yet these kinds of products seem to seduce: "the‘ shapewear ’category (Cock garment editor's note) walks very strongly with us,» confirms Yannick Jahan, manager of the Parisian male lingerie shop, the underside of Apollo contacted by the HuffPost."Sales of this type of articles are always up when approaching the summer.»

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