Shootings in Montreal "enough, that's enough"

24/09/2022 By acomputer 736 Views

Shootings in Montreal "enough, that's enough"

L’attaque qui a fait trois morts à Rivière-des-Prairies lundi soir était la goutte de trop:le SPVM veut mettre fin dès maintenant àcesactes de violence qui inondent la ville depuis le début de l’été. La police promet d’avoir les gangs de rue à l’œil.Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

Publié le 4 août 2021
Mayssa FerahLa Presse
Coralie LaplanteLa Presse
Henri Ouellette-VézinaLa Presse

The police want to "prevent the reply"»»»

The warning could not be clearer: "enough, it's quite.From today, you have all the forces of the SPVM on your back.If I have a recommendation to do you, it is to immediately stop all acts of violence, "thundered David Shane, spokesperson for the police force, for the attention of the criminal groups behind the shootings this summer in themetropolis.

"There could have been collateral victims," continued the inspector in a serious tone, offering his condolences to the families of the people killed on Monday evening, in Rivière-des-Prairies, during the shooting.

This bloody episode is part of the many events occurring during the summer [see our card at the next tab].

Faced with this outbreak of violence, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) will now collaborate with the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) to combat arms trafficking in Feu.To accentuate pressure on criminal groups, resources specializing in criminal investigation will come to lend a hand.

A conflict that is exacerbated

The five men targeted on Monday evening, known individuals of the police, were at the front and inside the apartment 2 at 9301, boulevard Perras, in Rivière-des-Prairies.The building had already been targeted by shots on June 5, without injury.According to many police sources, this is the lair of Kollectaz profits, a red allegiance street present in the northeast of Montreal.

Three people died and two found themselves in the hospital in a stable state.One of the killed men was fitted with a busy firearm.There was no shots exchange, but around thirty projectiles were fired.

Devant l’appartement où s’est produit la fusillade, un trou de balle était visible dans lafenêtre avant du balcon, au passage de LaPresse mardi soir, alors que le périmètre de sécurité installé par les policiers venait d’être levé, peu après 20h. Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

The police had been there since the day before;In total, the security perimeter has therefore remained in place about 24 hours.

"Our investigators had expertise to do on site.They met with witnesses, harvested information.Today, it was the analysis of the scene with the judicial identity.In a case of homicide, it is very, very meticulous.This is the reason why it can take so much time, "SPVM spokesman's spokesperson SPVM in the evening agent.

Dans le quartier, bien des résidants semblaient inquiets après la levée du périmètre de sécurité, mardi soir. «On espère que tout ça va s’arrêter, mais la réalité, c’est qu’on ne le sait pas»»»», résume un résidant du quartier, sous le couvert de l’anonymat. De son balcon, il affirme que la fusillade et la violence dans le secteur l’incitent à aller s’installer ailleurs, tant pour sa sécurité que pour celle de ses proches. «On ne prendra pas de risques»»»», poursuit-il en soupirant. «On ne sait pas ce qui peut arriver. C’est sûr que c’est assez préoccupant»»»», ajoute un autre résidant. Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

Among the three deceased, there is a member of the Kollectaz profits and two members of the Block Boys, a group affiliated to this clique, confirmed the police sources at Lapresse.According to a person close to Kollectaz profits, the conflict was exacerbated after multiple provocations on social networks.During the pandemic, the opposite gangs did not have access to the other.

Replicas fears

La majorité des actes violents des derniers mois sont attribuables à des groupes criminels, selon DavidShane. Il s’agit de conflits personnels ou de disputes territoriales liées au trafic de stupéfiants. Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

Many residents of the surrounding sectors also fear potential rides of rival."Our priority is to prevent the reply.Additional staff will make targeted patrols in the places we know, "said Inspector Shane.

In an interview with Lapresse, the spokesperson aerobics a trivialization of firearms.Thus, country struggles, personal conflicts between leaders or attempts to control street gangs by organized crime groups are all factors that can increase the number of shootings in the metropolis, explains Mariamourani, criminologist and president ofMourani-criminology."All this makes it that years ago [where] it is very calm, and years when it is warmer," she explains.

To make choices

To fight against this outbreak of violence which generates concern and insecurity among the population, the SPVM has set up a team doomed to the fight against trafficking in arms (ELTA).The day after the events of Rivière-des-Prairies, many residents questioned the police efforts put in place and the few arrests."I see patrols, but no more than before," says Christian Grandpierre, a young resident Duboulevard Perras for 19 years old.

Although members of criminal groups are known to police services, "there is a difference between information, intelligence and proof," said Davidshane.

Elta cannot be everywhere.No police force can be in every corner, all the time.You have to make strategic choices.

Davidshane, SPVM inspector

La clé du succès, c’est la collaboration du public, dit-il. Conscient de la peur face à de possibles représailles, il invite tout de même la population à divulguer le plus d’informations possible sur de potentielles activités criminelles. «De grâce, on vous appelle à communiquer. Il n’y a pas d’information trop petite pour nous. Chaque arme qui va être enlevée sauve une vie.»»»» Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

More than 350 -fires have been seized since the creation of the ELTA, in January.Bringing back the Street Gangs squad is not on the table, says M.Shane."This work, we do it in an organic way to our ourities.»»»»

According to the professor at the Criminology School of the University of Montreal Marcouimet, we are witnesses of "growing accessibility [to] handguns"»».The number of weapons entered climbed 23.8%.A trend that seems to continue in 2021.

A tight control of firearms is one of the solutions to be established so that the shootings decrease in Montreal, according to criminologist Mariamourani.

There is a large desarmes market.Personally, jet that we do not tackle this phenomenon enough.

Criminologist Mariamourani

Border surveillance is also crucial, according to the specialist."At the same time, 80% of illegal weapons come from the United States," she says.There is a difference between our laws and theirs, which make firearms are very accessible and that they easily cross borders.»»»»

In February, when the Elta was born, the president of the professional order of Quebec criminologists, Michèlegoyette, had argued that it was "possible to reduce the need for belonging to street gangs with young people, toCondition of providing activities where they can be carried out, whether in sport or extracurricular activities ”»»».

Disturbing events

Les importants déploiements policiers sont chose commune pour ChristinaGrandpierre. Mais les évènements de lundi soir étaient «particuliers»»»». Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

"There have always been these conflicts.We don't get involved, and that's it.But three dead and two injured inside ... it's a shock. Avant, les fusillades, c’était plus devant lescommerces, pas les résidences»»»», fait remarquer la résidante du boulevard Perras.

«Il n’y a rien qui me fait plus mal que d’entendre ces citoyens qui disent vouloir quitter leur quartier»»»», a ajouté CarolineBourgeois, mairesse de l’arrondissement de Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles et responsable de la sécurité publique à la Ville de Montréal.

Elle a souligné les efforts du SPVM, mais considère que la lutte contre la violence armée doit être une priorité nationale. «Montréal ne peut pas être seul au front là-dedans.»»»»Fusillades à Montréal « Assez, c’est assez »»»»

They and they said

That shootings occur to us, it is disturbing and worrying.My condolences to relatives of the victims.We will protect Montrealers and Quebecers.

François Legault, Prime Minister of Quebec

Like the Montreal population, I am shocked by yesterday's shooting [Monday] in [Rivière-des-Prairies].Armed violence must stop.Montrealers' security is an unconditional priority.Our team is fully mobilized and works with the SPVM to find the culprits.

Valérie Plante, mayor of Montreal

Yesterday's shooting [Monday] and the increase in firearm violence in Montréal in recent weeks are disturbing, and that must stop.I offer my condolences to the families and friends of the victims.My thoughts accompany you during this difficult period.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

My condolences to relatives of the victims.We must all fight crime and rid our neighborhoods of this violence.Citizens have the right to security.

Marcanguay, spokesperson for the Quebec Liberal Party in matters of justice

Several dead and injured caused by a shooting in Montreal, again.It is necessary to act to stop this intolerable escalation of violence by firearm.Citizens and families have the right to security.Sincere condolences to proven families.

Martinouellet, spokesperson for the Parti Québécois in terms of public security

Montreal needs tranquility.Montreal is not safe now, and we need to send very clear messages to the population.

Deniscoderre, candidate for the town hall of Montreal

Interview by Coralielante and Mayssa Ferrah, the press

Flambé of violence

More than 20 events involving firearms.Two homicides.Nearly a dozen attempted murder.In the space of a month, in July, the territory of the SPVM experienced a flambé of violence.While on August begins, two shootings have already occurred in Montreal, which made four injured and three dead.


Saint-Michel25e AvenueDes coups de feu ont été tirés par un suspect de 21ans, ne faisant ni mort ni blessé.

July 2nd

Montreal-Nordrue Pierrevers 6.45 p.m., a 29 year old man was shot by gunshots from a vehicle.

July 3

Southwest 21 years old man, Suman Mohammed Sayum, was shot dead as he was in his vehicle.

July the 5th

Montreal-North at the corner of the avenue de Parriset on rue Monseletun Man 43 years old, Ernst Exantus, as ate before midnight.The victim was monitored by the police in some major surveys.

6 July

Saint-Michel Parc Champdoré attempt at murder occurred during the night.An 18 -year -old man was injured by bullet.

July 7

Southwest at the corner of Boulevard Newman and rue Viola-desmondun Man of unknown age was injured in the ball near a residential building around 3 p.m..

July 9th

Côte-des-Neigeschemin of the Côte-des-Neigesdux Men of 17 and 19 years old were injured by ball in the middle of the night.

11 July

Ville-Marie at the corner of the St. Antoine Attatekenet Streets Stepchange of gunshots between two groups of individuals, without making any injuries.

11 July

Southwest at the corner of the Quesnel and Canning Chain-to-Fire Streets drawn on the window of a residence, no one injured.

11 July

Verdun at the corner of the Gilberte-Dubéet Wellington streets in broad daylight, a shot is pulled to the vehicle of a 28-year-old man, who was not injured.

11 July

Saint-Laurent at the corner of rue Robert-Choquetteet from Carré Pauline-Lighstoneun Man of 27 years old was injured by bullet around 7 p.m. while he was in his vehicle.

July 14th

South-west on rue Jolicœur Flusteurs crossed the window of a accommodation, without being injured.

16 July

Plateau Mont-Royal avenue colonial neither died nor injured despite several shots.

1July 7

Montreal-North at the corner of the Pascale and Rollandni dead or injured streets.

July 18

Pointe-Claire Parking of the Fairview Shopping Center A car riddled with bullets after an altercation between two individuals, who left the scene before the arrival of the police officers.

2July 2nd

Saint-Léonard Café Sorrento A man who was not targeted by shots was injured by glass shards during this shooting possibly linked to organized crime.

July 24

Hochelaga avenue de Carignanun Impact of projectile through the window of a accommodation, no one injured.

2July the 5th

Southwest at the corner of the Dominion and Quesnelune 22-year-old streets is injured by glass shards inside her vehicle.

July 30

Ville-Marie near the Bell Center A 22-year-old man is shot after an altercation.

July 30

Saint-Michel21e AvenueDeux femmes ont trouvé la porte de leur domicile criblée de balles.


Saint-Léonard rue de Caprivers 8:45 p.m., a conflict would have broken out between a group of people.An 18 -year -old man was injured by bullet.

August 2nd

Rivière-des-Prairies Boulevard Perras A shooting at the end of the evening left three dead and two wounded, all of the men known to the police officers.

With Daniel Renaud, Lapresse