Nobody wants a job dead end but at least it is a beginning

15/10/2022 By acomputer 720 Views

Nobody wants a job dead end but at least it is a beginning

As someone who knows apprentices, I can say with a certain confidence that two of the best words in the English language are: "you are hired".

And even...There are currently 1.2 million vacancies in this country.

It is 59 % more than before the pandemic.So what's going on?

Well, clearly, not everyone agrees with me.

It is undoubtedly true that there are EU workers who have left and who can no longer return easily.

But there are also other reasons for these vacant posts.Many women abandoned their jobs during the pandemic because they were too busy working during home education.

Others found that the leave gave them the possibility of transforming their hobby into a company-with a record number, nearly 450,000, new "start-ups" in the first wave, while others tookan early retirement.

But it is clear that some people think that it is better to live with allowances than to accept what they consider to be boring and poorly paid work.

And some young people snub the roles because they want to succeed overnight rather than putting the transplant.

Thus, the Way to Work campaign - a new government initiative announced last week which will focus on the fact that ready -to -employment leaves universal credit to work, can only be a good thing.

Mainly targeting members of the "intensive job research group" on Universal Credit, Way to Work will help people find a job faster and provide vacancies faster.

This will not surprise anyone to hear how firmly I believe in the importance and dignity of work.

It is always useful to remember that many people have started at the bottom of the ladder by making the kind of jobs for which we now have a lot of vacant positions - and have continued to climb the ladder, to improve and evento become millionaires.

But determination and tenacity - although important - are not enough to succeed.

Employers also have an important role to play.By encouraging young people to enter the job market, it is important to give them a voice.

Do not have a voice, or not be listened to, makes anyone feeling helpless and ineffective.

Being able to share ideas put into practice helps to strengthen confidence and gives people the feeling of being part of a team.

Personne ne veut d’un travail sans issue mais au moins c’est un début

Being able to ask questions and question it is also important.

The implementation of their ideas really gives young people who start a feeling of belonging which is essential to inspire hard work.

They also understand that they count for the company and that, therefore, the company counts for them.

No one wants to feel stuck in a job -free job.Giving young people who challenge them, as well as solid training, means that they can improve and add more value to a company.

Ensuring that the achievements of a worker are recognized is really essential - as long as he learns from things that are not so well done (rather than being punished for this).

And a clear path to promotion is also very important and a huge motivation factor.It is also important that everyone knows what is expected of them, so that they know what to aim and if they reach the goals.

Another key element for anyone who wants to go ahead is to have a mentor.Having someone who takes care of you, gives you good advice and encourages you is so powerful when it comes to self -esteem and self -confidence.

Of course, all those looking for a job are not young.Part of this new initiative consists in obliging hundreds of thousands of applicants for universal credit to seek a wider range of work more quickly.

Currently, applicants can seek a job in their "favorite sector" for three months.It will now be reduced to four weeks after their initial request.

I can understand why accept a job in a different industry if you are a chef would be far from ideal.

But getting up and going to work is a great success.And I firmly believe that this is never the first job you get - it is the one he leads.

Earning your own money strengthens self -esteem, takes care of you and makes your mind work.

And one thing very often leads another.

Viktor Rolf and Hermann

I am not a fashion expert, and I am not the type to follow trends either.

Mais même moi, je peux reconnaître que les mannequins sur le podium dans des tenues bossues la semaine dernière lors du défilé Viktor & Rolf à la Fashion Week de Paris ne seront jamais, jamais une tendance.

The totally bizarre padded shoulders of blazers and dresses carried by the models framed their faces and made them look more like Herman Munster than models.

It's so ridiculous, I am surprised that the models did not laugh.

Is it just me or is it more and more difficult to get good quality, well-cut, well-adjusted, comfortable and flattering classic clothes?

Babies must wait

I am not at all surprised to learn that most women in England and Wales have no children before the age of 30, according to official figures published this week.

The report of the Office for National Statistics revealed that 50.1% of women born in 1990 were childless at their 30th anniversary, the first time that there have been more women without mothers of less than 30years since the start of recordings in 1920.

But what is the problem here? The time when the only role of women was to have children is over - thank God.

At 30, there is still a lot of time to have children, and if women want to enjoy life without being linked, and settle their careers and become financially stable before having children, so why hellWould they not do?

But also, where are the statistics on the number of men without children?

Madge is the best, nun of the bar

Looking at the typically cheeky shots that Madonna posted on Instagram last week, you just know that some people will say that at 63, it's time for her to grow.

But why should he be the hell! And if they are photoshopped?

She clearly looks fabulous, and the most fabulous of all is the fact that she has always been her own wife.

Women should be able to wear what they want and do what they want without being ashamed of anyone for any reason, especially age.

It is not because you are 60 or 70 years old that you must dress like the older nuns of Call the Midwife.

The pilot is a real hero

The hero pilot case to take away is shocking.

A "vigilante" motorist said he mowed and killed a knife man because he had seen that he was attacking a woman and wanted to protect her.

Yasmin ‘Wafah’ Chkaifi, 43, was stabbed to death by his ex Leon McCaskre, 41, after having deposited his children at the Maida Vale school in western London.

McCaskre died when the driver - named only Abraham - led his Renault Clio against him.

Now Abraham remains a suspect of murder, despite the fact that his only reason was to try to save the life of Miss Chkaifi.

More than 30,000 people have signed a petition calling not to face criminal charges.

Miss Chkaifi's relatives and friends also asked that the police investigation be abandoned - and that Abraham be honored for her bravery.

I guess it is just that the Police insists that it must examine all the "available evidence" before taking any measure.

Their statement said: "We are investigating the death of two people in this incident.Two families are bereaved and are looking for answers.

"It is therefore essential that the investigation takes place in a objectively and professional manner.»»

It is quite logical.But, assuming that there is no connection between deceased and Abraham, he should surely be treated with compassion and as a witness rather than a murderer?

The featured judge

Le juge de BRITAIN’S Got Talent, David Walliams, « a été interrogé»» par les chefs de l’émission après avoir fait des blagues grossières et s’être comporté de manière malicieuse.

He did pole-dance on stage during the auditions before showing his nipple in Simon Cowell.

Someone must tell him to calm down.

It may have been funny in the past-now it's just frightening and limited harassment!