One in two men is a woman!

28/07/2022 By acomputer 680 Views

One in two men is a woman!

She wrote and played women freed in 2014 at the Tristan-Bernard theater and is already working on her adaptation in a long-awaited TV series.Funny, irreverent, Noémie de Lattre committed one of these very useful books which so well mix the farce and the depth."One in two men is a woman" encourages vigilance: no, gender equality is not won.

We feel very ... nervous.But this anger is for men or women? Good question!Well, rather to women.Men, they have had everything for centuries, and there, they are asked to make half of them, it is not easy for them.I can understand the dismay of modern men who for the most part seek to do well, but ... I have more empathy for modern man than for women as I know who will tell us "Ah no, me, I am not concerned with feminism ”.

Suddenly, you ask them to open their eyes, to free themselves, but what is a free woman in 2016? I think just, it is not yet possible.Women will be free when they can do what they want without having to overcome prejudices if not sexist, at least, gender.Beings supervised in what nature has determined for them: the fact that we are physically less strong, that we put children in the world.We need a legislative supervision for all this.

What to respond to those who emphasize that the laws have evolved, that it is up to everyone to advance in the field of these new equalities? That the laws pass but that they are not sufficiently respected, or poorly applied.I think of campaigns against harassment in transport, the posters were great but problem: not a phone number on the poster!We said to guys, yes, it's not nice, but it didn't help us "for real"!In the same way, when we think of the salary, me the first, I am told, in equal competence, of the same salary, we take a woman or a man, of 35 years?I'm not stupid, I take the man!I know that the woman will be on maternity leave at some point.Parental holidays must be caught equally between man and woman!This is the case in Sweden.The woman cannot take more than the man.She takes 3 weeks?Her man will take the same thing.A real parity!In France, beyond figures (women receive 19% less wages), women are still doing 80% of household chores.They have a double day of work.The mother is called in her workplace when the kid has a fever at school, not the father, or after.At equal post, they do not have the same salary, and their journey is strewn with pitfalls.

You go from the reign of cosmetics and dictates of advertising to verbal and physical aggressions to which women are regularly subjected before approaching the solutions which according to you go through education ... But the problem is that you have to educate theeducators.And it ends up biting your tail.The teachers can still be shocked to see me offer a doll to my son.They did not receive a training in gender equality.Before you experience maternity, things appeared to me simpler.It was for me then more a question of will.I said, well here, you have to share point bar.There I realize that it is more complicated.I have a little boy and with my man and I, we try to raise him in a gender neutrality but the models he has before his eyes is a sweet and cuddly mother and a prank father, lively.Under a year old he already has representations of the man as a tonic figure and the woman as a sweet and warm image.And we can't do it, we're like that.You must know it.

Un Homme sur deux est une femme !

It’s a bit of a girl's book who is fed up and who would like to shake friends, encourage them to move? I would like, yes!But we must start by training the pedagogues that will train the young generations and I have the feeling that ultimately our only tool, our only weapon, is to function with models.Propose inspiring models through art, cinema, theater and literature, or yourself, as an actress!Show, propose a model of modern and feminist woman can really be beneficial ...

It is a solution to touch all those who will not naturally read a book like yours? Yes, and even if they do not read it, I am interviewed in many programs, I write a paper for HuffingtonPost… it's a way to communicate!Doubt is there in most men of my generation who tell me "you want us to be sensitive and female but also virile, even macho, we are a little lost".It is true that things are clearer when they are caricatured.

You got closer to feminist associations? I want to carry a message, I am not against activism, I would be delighted to participate in a collective effort but the movements that I know are positioned against other feministsAnd this is a principle that bothers me.To be a feminist is to be free and therefore you are not allowed to say that Beyoncé is not a feminist because she puts herself in underwear in the front page of the Time Magazine.But my reflection is not stopped.It may be necessary to effectively campaign to have more clear positions.I find that dare feminism does admirable things, lots of women are engaged like Isabelle Alonso, for whom I have a lot of gratitude but for the moment, I do not engage in an Asso.

Your book tackles serious subjects, but we smile on all pages, we want to see it mounted on stage!It's a project? There is the desire to multiply it, that's already what I do on the radio, on France Inter, and I work on adaptation for a TV series, on characters that theWe can identify, who live and experience all the questions and reasoning that I have in my book.

What do you think of women's rights day? The Huffington Post asked me for a video on this subject precisely.The "pitch" is, basically "Madam, you make a lot of time your life, you have the right to anything, you are raped, excised and beaten, but it is not serious because on March 8, it's yourdaytime !»».Here, I find it derisory.We are not a minority.It's humiliating.