Opening of a new Costco warehouse in Anjou customers looking for the PlayStation5

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Opening of a new Costco warehouse in Anjou customers looking for the PlayStation5

« Levez la main ceux qui sont ici pour la PlayStation»», demande un employé. En une seconde, il réussit à en compter plusieurs dizaines. Il n’était pas encore 6 h 30 et pourtant des clients attendaient impatiemment d’entrer dans le tout nouvel entrepôt Costco à Anjou, qui a ouvert ses portes mercredi. Ouverture d’un nouvel entrepôt Costco à Anjou Des clients à la recherche de la PlayStation5 Ouverture d’un nouvel entrepôt Costco à Anjou Des clients à la recherche de la PlayStation5

Publié le 27 oct. 2021
Nathaëlle MorissetteLa Presse

With its 155,733 square feet-an area 20 times larger than that of the old Costco of Anjou warehouse located about four kilometers away-its greatest variety of organic products, its service station and its items intended for businesses, the store, whose construction started four months ago, was described as "best warehouse he saw" by Gino Dorico, main vice-president and general manager of eastern Costco Canada.

But in this chilly and windy morning in October, it is not the diversity of products or the larger catering space that made consumers run.Rather, it is the PlayStation 5 game console, almost not found, which brought people out of the bed.

"We open, we have the PS5 console, there are no more on the market.People knew it.The news has circulated.People are excited.They know that we have today ... perhaps for the first hour, "said Martine Bouthillier, director general of the new Anjou store, who arrived at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday morning to prepare,With 200 other employees, at this opening day.The store had 432 consoles in stock and it was the only Costco warehouse where video game followers could get it.Price displayed: $ 809

Ouverture d’un nouvel entrepôt Costco à Anjou Des clients à la recherche de la PlayStation5

"Did you come for the PlayStation?""We asked two young men waiting in line the opening of the store."We are not there for the Mayo certain," replied one of them, also an employee of the warehouse.I will go back to wear (my purchase) and I come back to work at 9 a.m..»»

More business service

In addition, after having opened its first Costco in Quebec for the company in September 2020, in Saint-Hubert, the brand seems determined to reproduce this concept, whose products in larger volumes are mainly intended for restaurants, convenience stores and officesof professionals.This is the vocation that the former Anjou costco will have next year.

Until then, restaurateurs can always come and go shopping at the new warehouse since we have decided to offer several products to companies, confirmed Martine Bouthillier."We have mixed our offer with volume products, that means items that traders may want to come and seek.We went to get around twenty products undertaken we offer here too.»»

Meat slices, commercial microwave ovens or condiments such as mayonnaise sold in large format are only a few examples of the products offered in the new establishment which has a total of 467 employees.

"I think there are a lot of opportunities in the area," says M.Dorico, referring to the concept for companies.We are very successful at the warehouse in Saint-Hubert.They serve the city center a lot.We think we take the market further north.»»

In addition to that of Anjou, Costco intends to open a third company warehouse in the large Toronto region. « Il y a de bonnes chances que dans quelques années, on soit rendus à trois dans la grande région de Montréal»», affirme Gino Dorico.

Concernant les magasins plus « classiques»», M. Dorico confirme qu’il y aura « au moins 4 ou 5 nouveaux entrepôts d’ici deux à quatre ans»» au Québec, notamment dans la région de Laval ainsi qu’à Pointe-Claire.

- A previous version of this article indicated that this new establishment offered a service that is not offered in Quebec.