Opinion: freeing Congolese women, deprived of her rights

14/12/2022 By acomputer 746 Views

Opinion: freeing Congolese women, deprived of her rights

The 2006 Constitution refers to the Universal Declaration of Human and Peoples' Rights, the United Nations Conventions on Women's Rights-in particular the objective of gender-female representation-as well as tointernational instruments relating to the protection of human rights.It indicates more clearly and specifically in its article 14 that the public authorities ensure the elimination of any form of discrimination against women and ensure the protection and promotion of their rights ...

Despite the measures taken by non-governmental human rights organizations (NGOs) and by the DRC government to fight against all forms of violence against women, the situation of it still does not change andremains alarming both in modern circles and in rural areas, both in families and at work.We can cite: the growing number of victims of cases of sexual violence;the resurgence of rape cases;the exhibition of the Congolese woman and her victimization due to poverty and financial dependence;loss of female rights and dignity;The non -considering of the woman and the girl in certain cultures of the DRC with regard to the dowry.

In daily life, Congolese woman is always exposed to social inequalities both in her family and in professional circles.Some specific and topical cases testify to this.It's about:

 Opinion: libérer la femme congolaise, privée de ses droits

These few examples show the inequality between man and woman in Congolese society despite the multiple efforts to eradicate them.Thus, we are launching a cry of alarm to anyone of good will so that they work for the awareness of the Congolese woman in order to make her autonomous.

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