Photos and video. Ferns: what is this huge hole behind the Forum?

03/06/2022 By acomputer 767 Views

Photos and video. Ferns: what is this huge hole behind the Forum?

By Manuel Rodriguez published the Republican Chronicle view my news

It's a spectacular construction site. That you see from afar and that impresses as you get closer to it.

In Fougères, behind the Forum de la Gare, at the foot of the Duguesclin school, has just begun the transformation of the Annexe district.

In the next two years, about 100 housing units (private and Fougères Habitat), a crèche, a youth centre, a skate park and a City Stadium must grow in this area.


Underground pre-stage: stormwater management through the creation of a retention basin. Exact and technical name: device for regulating the outlet of the river basin Feuteries-Duguesclin.

PHOTOS et VIDEO. Fougères : c'est quoi cet énorme trou derrière le Forum ?

StPO has been active in this area since August. It first took over the general collector and then began earthmoving at the end of August.

In a month, his teams dug a hole of 800 m2 … And evacuated 5,500 cubic meters of earth.

Wednesday, September 22nd, this hole was filled by ten Tubao. Giant galvanized steel tubes with a diameter of 2.5 metres for a total of 190 linear metres. Storage capacity: 900 m3.

If there is a problem, the tubes are accessible from the surface.

The construction is far from over. By mid-October, the tubes will be connected and covered with 900m3 of earth.

Above it will grow an open basin capable of storing 300 m3 of water, and skate Park.

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