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pregnancy dictionary


Planned deliveryThis term means that delivery will be artificially induced before the natural start of labor for medical reasons of maternal origin (hypertension, diabetes, chronic illnesses) or of fetal origin (exceeding the term beyond 41 weeks, risk of infection after rupture of the bag of waters for 48 hours). Personal conveniences of future parents can be an indication (long journey to maternity, professional constraints.

AmenorrheaAmenorrhea means absence of periods. We speak of primary amenorrhea when a woman has never had a period, we speak of secondary amenorrhea when the rules have not occurred for at least 3 months. The first cause of secondary amenorrhea in young women is pregnancy, diseases of the uterus or the affection of certain glands (hypophysis) can be the cause. In an older woman, one thinks of menopause.

Amnioscopy Amnioscopy is an examination at the end of pregnancy to see the color of amniotic fluid. A tube is introduced into the cervix until it comes into contact with the membranes. The amniotic fluid, normally clear and transparent, can have a greenish color which means the presence of stools of the child and probably fetal distress. The exam is not very reliable, today it is used less.


Cervical open bite This term refers to premature opening of the cervix with the risk of premature delivery. We can prescribe rest or hospitalization or resort to strapping.

Trophoblast biopsy This examination is carried out under ultrasound and involves removing a piece of trophoblast (tissue from which the placenta originates). It allows an analysis of the chromosomes of the fetus and thus the detection of a chromosomal anomaly and also the detection of certain genetic diseases. It is performed without or with local anesthesia either vaginally or abdominally depending on the position of the trophoblast. It is offered to future mothers over 35, if the first ultrasound is "suspicious" and finally if there is a disease or chromosomal abnormality in the close family. This examination gives the same results as amniocentesis, however, it is possible to perform it earlier (between the 9th and 13th week of amenorrhea) and the results are obtained more quickly. There is a risk of miscarriage even if the examination is performed correctly.

Hot flashes Hot flashes are, as their name suggests, episodes where the woman suddenly feels hot and sweats. This is normal: the activity and functioning of the body increase by 20% and the adrenal glands are in turmoil! These sensations end after childbirth.


Pregnancy diary This is a diary that follows the woman throughout her pregnancy and where absolutely everything that happens is recorded! It is opened by the practitioner during the first prenatal consultation. It consists of three main parts: spaces for annotations for the doctor, various sheets and a medical follow-up file. The main purpose of this journal is to improve communication between the medical teams and to provide information to future parents regarding the progress of the pregnancy, assistance and the rights of the couple. It is not mandatory but some doctors open it automatically.

Cerclage This is the placement of a thread or a strip around the cervix to prevent premature delivery when there is a history of premature delivery without infection or an open neck. It is placed around 15 weeks of amenorrhea under general anesthesia by natural way. The cerclage thread will be removed through the vagina at the beginning of the 9th month during a simple consultation without any anesthesia.

Nuccal translucency The nuchal translucency measurement is an ultrasound technique that can tell whether or not there is a high risk of trisomy 21 for the fetus. It is performed between the 11th and 14th week of amenorrhea by vaginal or abdominal route. It consists of measuring the space between the muscles and the skin of the neck of the fetus. The result is integrated into a risk calculation taking into account the maternal age and the result of the serum markers. Not being 100% reliable, the result will be confirmed or invalidated in the event of high risk by amniocentesis or trophoblast biopsy.

Mother's heart Heart rate increases from the end of the first trimester (30 to 50%) until the end of pregnancy. This is due to the increase in blood volume which forces the heart to pump more.

Fetal heart The baby's heart can be seen and heard on an ultrasound from the 6th week. In consultation, we hear the heart with a Doppler from the 12th week and then with an obstetrical stethoscope from the 5th month. Its normal frequency is between 140 and 160 beats per minute.

Colostrum From the 6th month, a small liquid, colostrum, can flow from the breasts. It's not serious. It is yellowish in color and has many nutritional and immune-boosting qualities. It is also the first milk secreted by the mammary glands after childbirth. Colostrum will be replaced in a few hours or days by the final milk of different composition.

Constipation The functioning of the digestive tract is hampered by hormonal secretions (progesterone) and the digestion and "evacuation" of food is therefore slower. To promote bowel movements, it is advisable to drink plenty of water (1 L of water per day), to consume fiber and to walk. To avoid: laxatives without authorization.

Prenatal consultation When a woman thinks she might be pregnant, an initial prenatal consultation is necessary. It must be done with a gynecologist, a doctor or a midwife. The objective of this consultation is to confirm the pregnancy, to calculate its term, to detect anomalies and to evaluate possible subsequent risks, to carry out a complete medical examination. Additional examinations will be prescribed, the future mother must receive useful information and advice for pregnancy and if necessary be reassured.

Cramps Cramps are involuntary contractions of muscles. The mother-to-be may then feel sharp pains or feelings of stretching...these ailments are probably due to hormonal changes that change venous circulation, to the growing weight of the uterus which reduces venous return from the legs or to a magnesium deficiency. Cramps are very common at night, effective treatments exist.

Cytomegalovirus This virus (CMV) belongs to the same family as the shingles or herpes virus. It is transmitted by repeated contact, often in nurseries, with the saliva or urine of young children. Symptoms of an infection can resemble the flu. The virus is detected by looking for antibodies through a blood test. It is potentially dangerous for mothers who are not immune because they can transmit the virus to the fetus. It rarely causes mental retardation, malformations, growth retardation, which ultrasound can sometimes make the diagnosis. Only 1 to 2% of newborns are affected. There is no effective treatment. Systematic screening is not done during pregnancy.


Declaration of pregnancy The declaration of pregnancy is established during the first prenatal visit to the doctor. It is a mandatory declaration that must be sent to the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales and to social security before the 15 weeks of amenorrhea.

Itching Sometimes the skin is itchy...especially in key areas like the belly where the skin is tight and dry. They are due, on the one hand to the dilation of the blood vessels and on the other hand to an excessive functioning of the liver which must eliminate more hormones. This phenomenon is called "pruritus gestationis". Consequence: the skin is more sensitive and the itching awaits.

Pregnancy denial Pregnancy denial is defined as a pregnancy of which one is not aware. Typical signs of pregnancy such as weight gain, pregnancy mask or baby movements are absent. In addition, there may be genital bleeding that resembles menstruation. The woman only realizes that she is pregnant when she gives birth. It is estimated that just over 600 women are affected each year in France by this phenomenon, without distinction of social or intellectual background (according to the French Association for the Recognition of Denial of Pregnancy).

Teeth Pregnant women are more susceptible to infections and cavities because, as a result of hormonal changes, they experience a drop in their immune defenses and a weakening of the vascular system. This is why Social Security recommends and reimburses 100% a visit to the dentist.

Dryness Hormones, tissue distension... all these little changes dry out the skin and dehydrate it! Tightness and itching can then be felt... To remedy this, only one solution: hydration of the skin!

Gestational diabetes Diabetes means that you have too much sugar in your blood. During pregnancy, insulin needs increase, if its production is insufficient, you suffer from diabetes. Gestational diabetes occurs only during pregnancy. Systematic screening (blood test measuring the sugar level) is offered to pregnant women during the 6th and 7th month. The risk of gestational diabetes is high in women who have had a large baby, a history of diabetes, a previous delivery of a stillborn baby for no reason or in obese women. If the sugar level is too high, further examination will be carried out. Special monitoring is then put in place with a low-sugar diet and frequent ultrasounds. Insulin treatment may be necessary. If this diabetes is not taken care of, it presents risks for the mother and the child (pre-eclampsia, in utero mortality, very large child with difficult childbirth...). On the other hand, the child is not born diabetic and in 98% of cases, this diabetes disappears after childbirth.

Dilation of the cervix This is the first phase of childbirth. This is a gradual opening of the cervix under the effect of contractions which takes place quite slowly at first (up to 5cm) then more quickly (up to 10cm). We say that the dilation is complete when it has reached 10 cm.

Pregnancy dictionary

Muscle pain During the second part of pregnancy, you can suffer from lower back pain, pelvic pain, rib pain or buttock pain. They are due to changes in the arch due to the weight of the uterus, relaxation of muscles and ligaments under the effect of progesterone or vitamin deficiencies. They disappear soon after childbirth but can be alleviated by rest.


Waters (breaking) Waters breaking means that the sac containing the amniotic fluid and the fetus has ruptured. When the rupture of the bag of waters is clear, there is a fairly abundant flow (20 centilitres) of whitish, sticky and lukewarm liquid, like water. The membranes can only be cracked, the water then flows more discreetly and can be confused with urine or leucorrhoea. Since the fetus is no longer protected by the membranes from external aggressions (infections), the mother-to-be must go to the maternity ward without delay.

Erasure Under the action of contractions, the cervix shortens. If before delivery it has a length of 3 cm and 2 very distinct orifices, its length will be reduced to less than 1 cm and the two orifices will be one when it is erased.

Embryo The embryo is the future baby from fertilization until 10 weeks of amenorrhea. At this age, all the organs of the future baby are formed, even if they are not yet functional.

Emotions Hormonal changes are responsible for the few mood swings that can occur during pregnancy. Going from laughter to tears is quite common but not very worrying. The discovery of new phenomena is sometimes difficult to accept and the only way to exteriorize it is to let your emotions show through. In addition to hormonal changes, there are psychological factors (feeling of being more fragile, vulnerable, etc.) and physical factors (pain, nausea, etc.). Periods of anxiety (about childbirth, fear of the unknown) and stress (complication of pregnancy) alternate with moments of joy and euphoria (movements of the baby, joy of soon being parents,... .). This will subside soon, probably in the months following the baby's birth.

Shortness of breath During the 3rd trimester, the heart is very stressed by the development of the baby. This takes up a lot of space and pushes the diaphragm, the muscle necessary for breathing, towards the mother's rib cage and hinders her action. The pregnant woman is therefore more easily out of breath because of the reduced movements of the diaphragm.


Fatigue A hormone, progesterone, has relaxing effects on the future mother at the beginning and end of pregnancy. The desire to sleep and a certain weariness are therefore often felt from the first weeks. In the second trimester, the nausea disappears: the energy is back! Fatigue is less palpable and the future mother is more active. In the third trimester, the weight of the belly encumbers the pregnant woman and her nights are a little more chaotic with an active baby.

Miscarriage A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks of amenorrhea. The first signs are often bleeding (but not all bleeding means it is a miscarriage) and contraction in the lower abdomen. Late miscarriages (second trimester) are rare, they are often caused by an infection or an open cervix.

Iron Human blood contains white blood cells and red blood cells. The main molecule of red blood cells is hemoglobin, which contains iron and ensures the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Hemoglobin is what gives blood its red color. We speak of anemia when the hemoglobin level decreases. In pregnant women the main cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Red meat, fish, vegetables (lentils) are iron-rich foods.

Cracked water bag When the water bag is cracked, the amniotic fluid that protects the baby from infections escapes discreetly. The flow can be confused with loss of urine or leucorrhea. A consultation at the maternity ward should be considered quickly.

Fœtus When the embryo has reached 10 weeks of amenorrhea, it is called a fetus until it is born.

Tingling Around the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, some women feel painful tingling in the fingers, especially at night. Caused by the compression of a nerve at the level of the wrist (accentuated by oedemas), this is called carpal tunnel syndrome. If the pain is too strong, a rheumatologist may be able to put an end to this unpleasant feeling. Otherwise, the pain disappears after childbirth.

Urinary leakage Caused by the head of the fetus pressing on the bladder at the end of pregnancy and due to a relaxation of the perineum after childbirth, urinary leakage during effort is impossible to control. After childbirth, perineal rehabilitation sessions can alleviate this discomfort.

Food cravings Food cravings, appearing at the end of the first trimester, are cravings that must be satisfied! They are the result of a usually deficient diet, perhaps of a change in the perception of tastes or of psychological origin. The body absorbs food faster and hunger is felt faster. Pregnant women tend to naturally go for sweets rather than salty.


Pregnancy gingivitis This unpleasant term actually hides a simple inflammation of the gums. Under the effect of hormones, all the mucous membranes become fragile, immunity drops. The gums may swell and redden. While pregnancy gingivitis is usually painless, the gums may bleed while brushing your teeth. Hence the importance of good oral hygiene.

Cervical mucus Cervical mucus is a transparent white viscous substance secreted by glands in the cervix. At the time of ovulation it becomes less viscous and more abundant and it is this which allows the spermatozoa to access the uterus and fallopian tubes. After ovulation, she will form a protective plug, which will protect the uterine cavity from infections.


Funtal height Fundal height is used to estimate the size of the baby and to monitor its growth. It corresponds to the distance between the pubis and the bottom of the uterus, in reference to the age of pregnancy and the amount of amniotic fluid in which the baby bathes. The obstetrician evaluates it from the 16th week of amenorrhea. Then, it is calculated at each visit.

Hemorrhoids They come from an abnormal dilation of the veins in the rectum or in the anus, due to circulatory problems. The cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. Drinking a lot and eating fruits and vegetables helps restore intestinal transit. There are specific treatments for pregnant women: ask your doctor for advice.

Hydramnios This is a permanent overabundance of amniotic fluid (more than 2 liters). The uterus is then abnormally distended, which can cause contractions, with the risk of premature delivery. This disorder can be linked to diabetes, fetal malformations or blood incompatibilities. Before scheduling a puncture, an ultrasound is necessary to assess the development of the fetus.

Hydration Drinking more than usual is essential for the good progress of pregnancy and the development of the foetus. Almost half a liter of water per hour circulates between the mother's body and the amniotic fluid. Drinking large quantities also helps fight constipation and urinary tract infections.

Hypersalivation This is excessive salivation. Sometimes transient, hypersalivation often lasts until delivery. It would be caused by too much irritation of the nerve that stimulates the salivary glands. The pregnant woman salivates constantly and is forced to swallow or even spit, while retaining a bad taste in her mouth. If the secretion of saliva exceeds 1 liter per day (can reach 4-5L per day) it is a disease called ptyalism. In this case, it is necessary to consult.

Hormones These are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands. Progesterone (see progesterone) stimulates the development of the mammary glands and estrogens (see estrogens) are the sex hormones necessary for pregnancy.


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Heavy legsThis is a circulatory problem that causes a feeling of pain in the legs, accompanied by fatigue. It is accentuated at the end of pregnancy and during high heat. It is due to more abundant hormonal secretions. Estrogen causes edema or swelling while progesterone causes dilation of blood vessels. The increase in blood mass and the pressure that the uterus exerts on the inferior vena cava contribute to vasodilation.


Functional cyst This is a cyst that appears with the pregnancy hormones: often it resolves on its own. It is generally discovered during an ultrasound because it does not trigger any particular pain. The doctor can possibly prescribe a treatment.


Hormonal line This is a small line, as its name suggests, which extends vertically from the plexus to the pubis. Due to hormones, these hairs on the belly mainly affect dark-haired women but disappear after childbirth.

Listeriosis This is a disease caused by a bacterium, listeria. This develops in certain dairy products, fish or in charcuterie, following a storage problem. Listeriosis, if left untreated, is serious in pregnancy as it can lead to miscarriage, premature delivery or fetal death in utero. Hence the need to consult your doctor in case of fever.

Amniotic fluid This is a transparent liquid composed of 95% water rich in mineral salts which gradually covers the fetus throughout pregnancy. It protects it from shocks and infections and provides it with the proteins it needs to develop. It comes largely from the urine and desquamations of the fetus, but also from the gaseous and nutrient cells of the mother (see placenta).

Lumbago These are pains in the spine that are common in pregnant women. Weight gain, muscle imbalances and changes in posture cause "hyperlordosis" (sinking of the kidneys). In addition, the secretion of a hormone called "relaxin" leads to ligament laxity (loosening of the ligaments). Among the aggravating factors of back problems, we note lumbar history, numerous pregnancies, excessive stress on the spine, tobacco or the young age of the future mother.


Stomach ache Normal feelings of tightness in the lower abdomen are felt at the start of pregnancy. These stomach aches are due to distension of the tendons and ligaments which become more elastic as the uterus enlarges during pregnancy.

Back pain See lumbago.

MAP It is a threat of Premature Delivery. The risk is between the 22nd and 37th week of amenorrhea. Among the triggering factors, there are painful uterine contractions and dilation of the cervix sometimes accompanied by the rupture of the bag of waters and high fevers.

Serum markers This is a test that can detect trisomy 21 in the fetus. The dosage of serum markers (HT 21) is offered to all future mothers between the 14th and 17th week of amenorrhea. This examination is only reimbursed by social security for so-called “at risk” pregnancies. If in doubt, an amniocentesis is performed to confirm the anomaly.

Headaches Headaches are the result of one or more combined factors: fatigue, cigarette smoke and heat. These alter blood circulation and cause blood pressure to vary.

Vaginal mycosesThis is an infection caused by the proliferation of a fungus (most often, Candida albicans) present in small quantities on the vaginal mucosa. These fungal infections result in itching in the vulva and significant white discharge. They are frequent during pregnancy, resulting from hormonal upheaval.


Nausea Nausea is characterized by the urge to regurgitate, disgust for certain smells, sometimes even vomiting that lasts from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy. They are linked to the pregnancy hormone, Beta-HCG, which, in large quantities, is poorly tolerated by some women. Nulliparous This is a woman who has had no children.


Oedema These are swellings in the legs, ankles and hands which may be accompanied by a tingling sensation. They are the result of fluid retention, common in pregnant women, which leads to poor blood circulation and fluid infiltration in connective tissues (tissues made up of cells and fibers that support organs). If they appear suddenly, you should consult your doctor.

Estrogens These are sex hormones secreted by the ovaries and placenta during pregnancy and in smaller quantities by the adrenal glands. They intervene in the process of ovulation and modify the cervix: they allow the progression of spermatozoa towards the fallopian tubes and they prepare the uterine lining (the endometrium) for the implantation of the fertilized egg by thickening it . Oligoamnios If the amniotic fluid is not in sufficient quantity (less than 500 ml) this can cause a delay in the development of the fetus. At the end of pregnancy, it is often caused by the premature cracking of the bag of waters. An ultrasound is needed to diagnose the exact cause. Fingernail These grow back much faster and are harder. If they become friable or even brittle, consult your doctor: a lack of calcium may be the cause.


Skin The skin of a pregnant woman's face dries out during pregnancy. The complexion will then be smoother but also more rosy and fresh thanks to the estrogens which dilate the blood network. Beware, however, of stretch marks, pregnancy mask and especially the cosmetics used. Still under the effect of hormones, the skin is more sensitive to redness and rashes...

Vaginal dischargeThese are whitish secretions in the vagina that leak out through the vulva. Vaginal discharge is completely normal.

Perineum Also called the pelvic floor, the perineum is a collection of muscles, ligaments and membranes that supports the vagina, bladder and rectum. During pregnancy, it supports a lot of tension and tends to relax, which causes a problem of incontinence after childbirth, hence the importance of re-education of the perineum after childbirth.

Hair The regrowth of hair covering the upper part of the epidermis is either delayed or accelerated under the effect of hormones during pregnancy. The hair sometimes concentrates on unusual places like the face or belly but disappears after childbirth.

Placenta The placenta is the name given, three months after fertilization, to the trophoblast (nurturing envelope of the fertilized egg against the uterine wall). It is an organ that allows exchanges between the fetus and the mother's body during the gestation period. They are made at the molecular level and not at the blood level (gaseous molecules and molecules of nutritive substances). The placenta is expelled naturally at the end of childbirth. This is "deliverance".

Low inserted placentaAlso called placenta previa. The muscle that allows the exchanges between mother and fetus is placed in the lower half of the uterus, instead of being placed at the bottom next to the fertilized egg. Most often, it rises with the growth of the uterus, but in 10% of cases, it completely covers the cervix. In this case, we plan a cesarean section.

Weight Weight gain during pregnancy is normal (from 10 to 16 kilos at the end of pregnancy) but when it is sudden or uncontrolled, medical monitoring and a balanced diet are essential. It is possible that in early pregnancy, there is a momentary weight loss due to nausea and loss of appetite.

Post-maturity When, after 41 weeks of amenorrhea, the mother-to-be has not given birth, we speak of post-maturity. After this term, the placenta no longer ensures the nutrition and oxygenation of the baby correctly. An ultrasound and a monitoring control make it possible to verify this. Childbirth is triggered 5 days after the expected date.

Pre-eclampsia This disease also called toxemia of pregnancy, appearing during the 3rd trimester, causes edema, excessive weight gain, hypertension... It is the result of a problem with the functioning of the placenta which communicates poorly with the child. Quite dangerous, it has consequences on the fetus (growth retardation, etc.) and on the mother (hypertension having effects on the organs). In general, only future mothers who are smokers, diabetics, obese...are affected. Medication, rest and sometimes premature delivery are recommended. The signs of pre-eclampsia end with the pregnancy and subsequent pregnancies will not necessarily experience the same progression.

Young child care benefit (PAJE)

This is a financial benefit linked to early childhood granted to pregnant women or those who adopt. It includes 2 allowances: the birth or adoption bonus paid during the 7th month of pregnancy and the basic allowance paid from the 1st day of birth until the month preceding the child's 3rd birthday. If the parents choose home childcare, the free choice of childcare supplement will be paid to them from the month of their request. If one of the parents is unemployed, the free choice of activity supplement will be paid for 6 months.

Primipara Also called primigest, it is a woman who has given birth or who is pregnant for the first time.

Blood test Blood tests are scheduled throughout pregnancy. First to identify the blood group but especially to determine an iron deficiency or to find out if the pregnant woman is immune to certain diseases that are detrimental to the proper development of the baby (toxoplasmosis, rubella).

Progesterone This is a female sex hormone, secreted by the ovary after ovulation. Progesterone completes the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. It causes the wrinkling of the uterine lining and it loads its cells with glycogen, a nutritive substance.


RadiopelvimetryThis is an X-ray or CT scan to measure the diameter of a pregnant woman's pelvis during her eighth or ninth month. This is to check that it is wide enough to let the baby pass at the time of delivery. Otherwise, the doctor decides and schedules a caesarean section.

Rhesus If the pregnant woman has a negative rhesus factor and that of her baby is positive, there is blood incompatibility. If fetal blood mixes with maternal blood, the mother will produce antibodies called agglutinins to defend against it. The agglutinins will cross the placental barrier and attack the red blood cells carrying the positive rhesus of the child. He then suffers from anemia and will have cerebral sequelae at birth. We decide on a caesarean section or an in utero transfusion of rhesus negative O blood depending on the case.

Snoring Weight gain during pregnancy, which is likely to cause fatty deposits in the tissues and around the muscles of the neck, is responsible for frequent snoring in pregnant women.

Rubella in pregnant women This is a mild childhood disease except for pregnant women. It is manifested by fever, lymph nodes and an eruption of pimples on the body. It can have an impact on the development of the brain, blindness or deafness of the fetus. If the mother-to-be has not had rubella or has not been vaccinated, regular medical monitoring is necessary.


Gestational sac Also called "amniotic sac", it is the envelope that protects the fetus. It contains amniotic fluid.

Dry Eye This is an inability to produce enough lubricating tears to keep the eye comfortable. This phenomenon is due to the hormones of pregnancy. The eyes are dry, irritated, causing burning and stinging as well as impaired vision.

Weeks of amenorrhea It is during the week of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) that the duration of pregnancy is calculated, starting from the last day of menstruation. A pregnancy will come to term after 41 weeks of amenorrhea.

Seropositivity If the mother-to-be is a carrier of the AIDS virus, there is a high risk that it will cross the placental barrier and infect the child. To prevent transmission of the virus to the baby, the mother is given treatment with AZT (antiviral active on the virus). A preterm delivery is then provoked because contamination most often occurs at the end of pregnancy.

Sex The sex of the child, still an embryo, is determined at fertilization by the association of the X and Y chromosomes of its parents. A little girl carries the XX chromosomes, while the XYs are carried by a boy. It is during the second ultrasound, at the 12th week of pregnancy, that we can possibly see the sex of the foetus.

Breech When the baby presents with the buttocks first at the bottom of the uterus instead of presenting the head, it is said that he presents himself "in breech". Childbirth can take place through natural means; in this case the gynecologist performs a "version" (see version). Childbirth is done by caesarean section if the pelvis of the future mother is not wide enough or if the child does not have his head bent well, chin against chest.

Sleep The mother-to-be tends to sleep a lot at the start of pregnancy due to the effect of hormones. Conversely, she suffers from insomnia in the last trimester: the body becomes heavy and its thermal regulation works less well, the lying position becomes uncomfortable. Sleeping on the left side rather than on the back prevents nausea, dizziness and even a feeling of tightness.

Supplementation Supplementation consists of prescribing vitamin supplements to the mother-to-be in addition to her usual consumption (in her natural diet). Pregnant women need more vitamins because the fetus draws on its mother's reserves. If these vitamins are not provided sufficiently by his diet, the doctor can prescribe folic acid or any other vitamin. Severe anemia can be responsible for premature deliveries.


Blood test The blood test confirms your pregnancy, after a urine test. A blood test carried out in a specialized laboratory is prescribed by the doctor. It can be performed very early and gives a 100% reliable response.

Term Term refers to the end of pregnancy, when the baby's development is complete and it is ready to be born. It is at the 41st week of amenorrhea.

Perspiration Under the effect of hormones, pregnant women sweat more. This increased sweating can cause itching especially if she has dry skin.

Trisomy 21 This is a chromosomal anomaly which is characterized by a mental handicap in the child. At the first ultrasound, if the nape of the fetus (nuchal translucency) is too thick, we recommend the dosage of serum markers and an amniocentesis to detect the anomaly. Pregnancies around the age of 40 should be monitored because they more often expose the child to trisomy 21 (1 case for 2000 pregnancies).


Urine Each month, a urine analysis is prescribed for the future mother to ensure that the pregnancy is progressing well. It systematically evaluates the amount of albumin (blood protein) and the amount of glucose to detect toxemia or gestational diabetes. Other urine tests are added in case of fever or burning while urinating.

Uterus It is a pear-shaped muscular organ, hollow and thick, allowing the gestation of the fertilized egg.

Retroverted uterus This means that the fundus of the uterus is facing backwards in relation to the vagina. A retroverted uterus does not complicate the course of pregnancy, but the mother-to-be may feel a feeling of heaviness behind.


Varicose veins These are small blue spots under the skin of the legs caused by severe dilation of the veins. Varicose veins are the result of a decrease in tissue elasticity, due to a hormonal reaction. The size of the uterus accentuates them at the end of pregnancy because it compresses the veins of the belly and leads to an accumulation of blood in the legs.

Stretch marks These are small white marks that are located on the stomach, upper thighs and breasts. Stretch marks are caused by a rupture of the elastic fibers of the dermis during pregnancy. First purplish (we can then treat them), they become white and indelible.

Version This is an intervention which consists in modifying the presentation of the child when it is badly positioned in the mother's womb. External maneuvers are performed to rotate the baby around the 37th week of pregnancy. If a sudden drop in the baby's heart rate is observed on monitoring, a cesarean section is performed urgently.

Dizziness Dizziness and dizziness can be symptoms of low blood pressure, low blood sugar, nausea or deficiencies during pregnancy. Notify your doctor.

Vitamins During pregnancy, the organism of the mother-to-be and that of the fetus need an adequate supply of vitamins. They are both defensive agents and active agents. Each food has particular vitamins (fresh and raw products have the most), which is why eating a balanced and varied diet is necessary. Deficiencies or excesses of vitamins are harmful to the body (development of diseases or disorders) but no self-medication, the doctor is responsible for prescribing enough.

Vomiting Vomiting is sometimes the result of nausea during pregnancy. Vomiting called "incoercible" causes dehydration and weight loss because the pregnant woman rejects everything she swallows during the day. In this case, it is essential to talk to your doctor.


XX The human being is made up of 22 pairs of identical chromosomes (autosomes), plus one that determines which sex it belongs to (gonosome): women have a pair of sex chromosomes called :XX. The determination of the baby's sex is done at fertilization.

XY The human being is made up of 22 pairs of identical chromosomes (autosomes), plus one that determines which sex he belongs to (gonosome): men have a pair of sex chromosomes called: XY. Sex determination is made at fertilization.