Revolution in menstruation

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Revolution in menstruation

Marie Beaupré, 32 ans, n’hésite pas à dire qu’elle utilise une coupe menstruelle, soit une cloche en silicone insérée dans le vagin pour recueillir les règles. « C’est rendu beaucoup moins tabou, les menstruations»», dit la scientifique de formation, copropriétaire de la boutique Les Mauvaises herbes. « Ça fait partie de la vie. On s’est réapproprié ce processus-là, qui est naturel.»» Portrait en cinq points d’une révolution en règle(s)).Révolution dans les menstruations Révolution dans les menstruations

Publié le 28 mars 2021
Marie AllardLa Presse

Open generation

It was at the age of 16 that Amélia Baril, medical student at the University of Sherbrooke, discovered the menstrual cup."I watched a lot of videos on the internet to choose a model," recalls the young woman.For her generation - she is now 20 years old - it's commonplace."In my nearby friends, at least five have a menstrual cup," says Amélia Baril.It's more practical: you don't need to have it with you, as for towels and stamps.»»

« La génération qui s’en vient est plus ouverte»», observe Kate Bouchard, agente de recherche et de planification à l’Institut santé et société de l’UQAM."She will normalize discussions on menstruation, normalize washing her cut in a sink of public toilet.We are going in this direction.»»

Health issues

After denouncing the presence of harmful ingredients in beauty products, we are interested in the composition of ... menstrual protections."I can name you some chemicals that are in disposable towels and stamps," says Kate Bouchard.We speak of phthalates, bisphenol and parabens, which are endocrine disruptors and known carcinogens.In cotton products, there are often pesticide residues.Because of the chlorine whitening process, there are traces of dioxin and furane.»»

Sans compter l’ajout de « parfum»», un mot fourre-tout pour désigner différentes substances, sans les nommer. « C’est super pernicieux, parce que ça passe par les parois vaginales, qui sont extrêmement vascularisées»», ajoute Kate Bouchard.The Health and Society Institute is currently holding on Instagram the campaign do not throw the towel, to raise awareness of the harmful effects of disposable menstrual products.

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Procter & Gamble, entreprise derrière les marques Tampax et Always, réfute tout problème. « Garantir que nos produits sont sûrs pour les millions de consommateurs qui les utilisent est à la base de tout ce que nous faisons»», assure Joyce Law, du service des communications de Procter & Gamble Canada. L’entreprise se conforme aux exigences gouvernementales « et les dépasse»», ajoute-t-elle. Santé Canada dit pour sa part veiller « à ce que les tampons vendus au Canada soient sûrs, efficaces et de grande qualité grâce aux exigences d’homologation, de fabrication et de suivi après-vente»».

Iniquity denounced

Another issue: menstrual products are not affordable, according to half of the 2,500 respondents to a survey conducted in October 2020 by the Quebec Women's Health Action Network (RQASF)).A box of 20 ordinary Tampax pads costs $ 4.99.By adding a few towels, a woman easily spends $ 7 per cycle of 28 days, or $ 91 per year.The bill climbs quickly, knowing that a woman can have her period for 40 years ... Men do not have to pay this invoice.

Révolution dans les menstruations

« Environ 20 % des répondantes ont déjà utilisé d’autres solutions, comme du papier de toilette ou des essuie-tout, parce qu’elles trouvaient les produits menstruels trop chers»», dit Victoria Doudenkova, chargée du projet Campagne Rouge (sur les mythes et tabous autour des menstruations)) au RQASF.In British Columbia, towels and stamps are now offered in the toilets of public schools (such as hygienic paper and soap to wash your hands!)).Scotland adopted a law making free menstrual protections for people who need, which is claimed by various groups in Quebec-including the Liberal Party Commission. Ce printemps, Montréal « prépare un projet pilote de distribution de produits hygiéniques féminins dans les édifices municipaux»», indique Fabienne Papin, relationniste à la Ville de Montréal.

In addition, subsidies for the purchase of reusable products are offered in several cities and MRC du Québec.For example, Prévost reimburses 50 % of the cost of a menstrual cut, towels or washable menstruation pants, up to $ 100.

Environmental impacts

A woman uses 12,000 to 15,000 disposable menstrual protections in her life, which produces 114 to 136 kg of waste, according to a thesis presented by Ann Borowski at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2001.The manufacture of towels and stamps is also damaging to the environment, since it requires a lot of water, energy and various materials (plastic, radiation, etc..)).

An analysis of the life cycle of three products - a maximum towel of Kotex, a U click stamp from Kotex and a menstrual cup Divacup - was published in the Revue Resources, Conservation and Recycling in 2019.Its conclusion is clear: using the menstrual cut for one year leads to environmental impacts below 1.5 % of those of disposable products.Note: there was no washable towel in the study.

« Ma mère trouve que c’est un retour en arrière»», observe Nathalie Ainsley, de l’Association québécoise zéro déchet, à propos de l’utilisation des protections réutilisables."No, it's a step forward.First, the products have improved a lot compared to the rags that my mother put in her panties.Second, we have scientific knowledge today that we did not have, at the time, on the consequences on our health and the environment.»»

"We must not be dogmatic," warns Victoria Doudenkova.A traveling woman who does not have access to running water, she will not be able to wash her reusable towel or her cut.»»

Include all menstruated people

Öko Créations manufactures hygienic hemp towels, which decrease, depending on the company, the risks of irritation and allergies. « Une solution pour celles et ceux d’entre nous qui souffrent de ces maux»», affirme l’entreprise québécoise.Those and those?Yes, because trans men can be menstruate.

Marie Beaupré parle de « personnes qui ont des menstruations»», pour toutes les inclure."For me, it's not just women who are menstruated, really not," she said.I have a person very close to me, in my family, who is a transgender woman.She has no menstruation, but this is a super important subject for me.»»

Le RQASF dit plutôt « les femmes et les personnes menstruées»».Victoria Doudenkova specifies: "We try to be inclusive, we are made aware of these issues. Mais il y a toujours un dilemme : comment rendre visible une minorité sans occulter la majorité ?»»

An online workshop on the toxicity of disposable menstrual products, organized by the RQASF, will take place on March 30 at 12:30 p.m..

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Three spare solutions to stamps

Nathalie Ainsley est une « utilisatrice inconditionnelle»» de produits menstruels réutilisables depuis quelques années."What shocked me the most when I discovered them was not to have known that it existed before," she said.I have two daughters aged 19 and 21.When they had their menstruation, I bought them a box of stamps and a disposable box box.»» Voici trois solutions de rechange.

Reusable towels

Nancy Vlayen, from the Fan Fan online store, manufactures washable hygienic towels in Victoriaville.This is the view of stamp applicators and plastic dandruff of disposable towels on the banks of the St. Lawrence River who convinced it to act.It offers several models, in natural fibers or not. Plusieurs autres entreprises offrent des serviettes réutilisables, en chanvre, en bambou, en coton, pour culottes ou tangas, comme Öko Créations, Mme & Co, Omaiki, La Petite ourse, etc.

« Il y a plein de belles serviettes québécoises»», constate Nathalie Ainsley, de l’Association québécoise zéro déchet.They attach themselves under the pocket, thanks to wings with press pimples."Sometimes it moves, recognizes Nathalie Ainsley.You have to find the right model, which will have the right width for your panties.»» L’entretien varie d’une marque à l’autre, mais il est généralement recommandé de les rincer, puis de les laver à la machine.Plan to spend $ 10 to $ 30 for two towels.

Menstruation pants

« Les culottes, c’est un nouveau marché qui commence à exploser»», dit Kate Bouchard, de l’Institut santé et société de l’UQAM.Two types of menstrual panties are offered.The first - sold in particular by Quebec companies Viita, Ellza or the blue giraffe - are fitted with an absorbent gusset strip.Viita claims that some models can absorb the equivalent of two or three ordinary stamps.After ?You have to change panties.

L’autre option, proposée par Mme L’Ovary, est une culotte vendue avec des serviettes lavables amovibles, qui s’y insèrent et tiennent en place.You can change them without having to remove your pants.A waterproof pocket with two compartments makes it possible to transport the towels, both clean and dirty.Night panties are particularly appreciated. « C’est fantastique, j’ai arrêté de laver des draps tachés»», témoigne Nathalie Ainsley. Il faut compter 60 $ pour une culotte et trois serviettes chez Mme L’Ovary. À noter : des modèles pour adolescentes sont offerts par l’entreprise canadienne Knix (gamme KT)) et l’américaine Thinx (la gamme BTWN)).

Menstrual cuts and discs

« Les coupes menstruelles sont une option sûre pour la gestion des menstruations»», a tranché une méta-analyse publiée en juillet 2019 dans The Lancet.Created in Canada, the divacup is the best known - and the most popular in the world, according to the company.Cups are receptacles (silicone, rubber, etc..)) to insert in the vagina, to collect the rules.Amélia Baril, 20, uses a glasses cut, after having a lena cup which sometimes caused leaks."I have nothing to do in school or at work," she explains.I empty it before leaving and coming back.»» Il est possible d’aller aux toilettes, de nager, etc., by wearing a cut.

The challenge consists in finding the one that suits its anatomy, depending on the height of the cervix, the tone of the vagina, etc.. « C’est un peu comme choisir des souliers»», image Marie Beaupré, copropriétaire de la boutique Les Mauvaises herbes.After having her children, he herself had problems with leaks with the divacup and the organicup.She turned to the menstrual disc Nixit, who does not work by sucking.Its satisfaction is such that Nixit is now sold in weeds.Online questionnaires (for example, on the Putacinit peuvent aider à faire un choix.A cut is worth $ 35 to $ 55 and lasts several years.

> Consultez le site de la boutique Les Mauvaises herbes

> Consultez le site de la boutique Fan Fan

> Consultez le site de la boutique Mme L’Ovary