Storage: the Marie Kondo method to end the mess

09/08/2022 By acomputer 686 Views

Storage: the Marie Kondo method to end the mess

His name may not tell you anything.However, Marie Kondo is a Japanese consultant but also, both a storage method in millions of followers around the world, an art of living and a bestseller translated into 35 languages (1).Its system is acclaimed far beyond its native Japan.So much so that the time made it one of the 100 most influential personalities in the world in 2015.This fanatic of the order launched, in early August 2016, its application (only available on iPhone) so that you can, like its 107.000 subscribers on Instagram, follow your advice in a few sweeps.For paper followers, an agenda will be available from September 1.

Tidy up well to live better

"My clients never return to the initial state of bazaar," promises this Ayatollah of the Order, during his many conferences.Dressed in her impeccable immaculate white jacket and the same blue dress at each of her appearances, she explains religiously - in her native language and in English - "the magic of storage".With a lot of Power Point documents, his high mass looks like a key note of the late Steve Jobs, the turtleneck and the apple less, the fringe and the book in addition.

"Wouldn't you like to live in a house exclusively filled with objects you love, in which you would feel completely relaxed?""The one who calls herself" Konmari "says that" put away [her] house can have an influence on all other aspects of [her] life ".Some of its customers would have branched up career or end a toxic relationship.Psychotherapy by storage in short.

Before after

The idea is tempting.But, embrigated in our overloaded interiors, how to go from that...

Rangement : la méthode Marie Kondo pour en finir avec la pagaille

to that...

...Without dying suffocated under a horde of recalcitrant jeans?

The method

To go from bazaar to absolute zen, you will have to go up your sleeves and follow Konmari's commandments to the letter.

1.Provide a short time

Marie Kondo advises to plan a whole week to completely reorganize your house, in proportion to the square meter, obviously.You don't have seven days ahead of you?Every weekend available must be devoted to storage for the next six months.There is no point in putting a little bit at a time: a tidy house is a virtuous circle that will encourage you to make room.

2.Sort your objects by categories

"One of the most common errors is to want to store by piece when you have to sort by categories," explains the consultant, starting with clothes, then books, then papers and komonos (various objects, asyour candles or frames) then finally the effects with sentimental value."People realize that they have an average of three times more than they think to have," notes the organizer.For example, if you store clothes in your entrance, bedroom and bathroom, get them all and stack them:

3.Feel "the spark of joy"

Then take each object in your hands.Yes, all, without exception and without cheating.Keep only those who cause you, an irresistible "spark of joy".You are not ecstatic in front of this blouse offered by Mamie Lucienne last Christmas, nor in front of the Luberon guide?Hop!Trash can.It is not impossible that you are, at first, a little perplexed at the idea of caressing your lace shirt by asking you if it fills you with joy.It's normal.Let yourself be a few minutes to get used to.


Once the sorting is finished arrives the fateful moment of folding.The storage consultant explains that it is better to store her standing clothes, rather than hanging or flat.The goal is to see all of the clothes at a glance.It has developed a perfected folding system that goes from the sock (with a ban on putting them in ball under penalty of damaging the elastic) in the T-shirt."To fold her clothes," explains Marie Kondo, inspired, "is not making them compact, but it is to communicate your affection towards their unwavering support.»»

5.Let your life change as if by magic

Aux vêtements dont vous ne voulez plus, dites « merci»» (à voix haute).The same for those who remain."Thus, having around you only things you love, you show your guests good energy.»» Et pour Marie Kondo, ranger l'extérieur peut aussi avoir un impact sur l'intérieur."When you use this method (...) Your mind will go well and you will make choices that will bring you more joy in your work, your relationships or everything you can choose to put or not in your life.»»

And after ?

Has the Konmari method seduced you?Perhaps you will be attempted by the Bullet Journal, this hybrid personalized notebook, between Agenda and To Do List which conspires your success.Or maybe you will decide to go further in storage of your dressing room by opting for the minimum wardrobe.

(1) The magic of storage, First Editions, Marie Kondo, € 17.95

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