The besson shoes franchise puts on strong values

17/01/2023 By acomputer 600 Views

The besson shoes franchise puts on strong values

Actualités & Interviews / Actualités des réseaux / La franchise Besson Chaussures mise sur des valeurs fortes
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The besson shoes franchise, shoe sales brand dedicated to all categories of consumers, continues to reinvent itself in order to expand its target and attract more customers.The brand is focusing on a strategic communication plan based on strong values such as product love, in addition to its recognized know-how.

More than a job, a real passion for shoes

The besson shoes franchise wishes to highlight her passion for shoes, in addition to her know-how.The brand says that for each season, it highlights its profession by offering ranges imagined and designed with love.Customers can take advantage of quality collections for women, men and children, offered at just prices.

La franchise Besson Chaussures mise sur des valeurs fortes

On the other hand, Besson Shoes is also a responsible brand towards the environment and the company.It is indeed engaged in a CSR approach via its label "Besson for Change", in order to make its contribution in environmental protection.It implements effective and achievable solutions, by launching eco-responsible ranges but also by promoting eco-construction, reducing the use of plastic and limiting its carbon footprint.

A supported communication

Besson shoes has modernized its logo and launched "Besson Shoes, Love is a sure bet".To do this, the brand has trusted the Lyonnaise Elvis agency.Through its new logo, the brand specialist brand intends to unite customers around strong values that are dear to it.Via the hashtag #LOVEMYSHOES, the network gives consumers the opportunity to communicate around their favorites on Facebook and Instagram social networks.It is indeed a well -studied social selling strategy.On the other hand, Besson Shoes soon plans to launch displays, animations, sms, emailing and even a soundtrack targeting clientele of all ages.