The LBD is indeed a "weapon of war"

09/12/2022 By acomputer 690 Views

The LBD is indeed a "weapon of war"

Le Canard enchaîné avait révélé, fin décembre dernier, que le ministère de l’Intérieur avait passé commande, à la veille de Noël, de 1280 nouveaux « lanceurs mono-coup » (type LBD, dont 1275 pour la gendarmerie), plus 270 « lanceurs multi-coups » (LMC) 4 coups, et 180 « 6 coups » (soit 450 LBD semi-automatiques) pour les policiers (voir Violences policières : la fuite en avant de Castaner).Le LBD est bien une « arme de guerre » Le LBD est bien une « arme de guerre »

The Duck Enchaîné has just revealed that the Ministry of the Interior has since "stupged that its now famous Defense Balle launchers (LBD) were classified by international regulations in ... weapons of war".Explanation.

[MAJ]: The LBD and its ammunition are weapons of category A2 ("War materials"), the Swiss manufacturer of the LBD can only export it as "military material", and its French partner that "in agreement ”with the Ministry of the Armed Forces.So I modified the original title, which was "the multi-cut LBD is indeed a" weapon of war ""

[MAJ 2] The manufacturer of the LBD boasts that shots made 25 meters from the target, from a LBD fixed on a rail, only miss their target of 7 centimeters.on does not imagine what it is in real condition, with a mobile shooter evolving a hostile environment, when the target moves ...

Several manufacturers deplored that the technical requirements of the call for tenders "generate some technical difficulties", as the cartridges required by the ministry are not referenced by the International Permanent Commission (CIP) for the test of armson portable fire.

Created in 1914, ratified in an international convention in 1969 and transposed into French law in 1971, said CIP is intended to determine the official tests to which, "to offer any security guarantee", be submitted for the weapons of hunting,shooting and defense ("with the exception of weapons intended for earthly, naval or air"), so as to "check the resistance of the weapon", and prevent it from the face of the face ofits users.

After initially responding to manufacturers that "in order to offer any security guarantee to operators, weapons must be experienced by a test bench adhering to the CIP, and according to the procedure defined by the latter", Beauvau has just made a180 ° turn.

One of the manufacturers had indeed stressed that "it would seem that war materials classified in category A2 4 ° can derogate from the test of the CIP", evoking in this case the "grenade launcher, of all calibers, Lance-projectiles and projection systems specifically intended for military use or the maintenance of order ”mentioned in article R311-2 of the internal security code, which relates to the" classification of war materials, weaponsand ammunition ".

Another industrialist had also come to ask him if he could nevertheless compete, as the new LBDs "successfully passed the BNE test cartridges (the National Bench of Saint Etienne tests, the French certifier approved by the CIP -NDLR), despite the military dimensioning of the chamber which prevented them (sic) to receive the cip punch ".

In response, Beauvau simply removed the requirements of her tender call for these "mentions relating to the CIP requirements", therefore recognizing that her new scabs would rather be the regime applicable to "weapons of war".

A height, as the soldiers of the General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie (DGGN) had refused to provide the gendarmes with such "multi-cut launchers with defense balls", that more than 90% of LBD fire have itbeen by police, and that 81 of the 83 administrative surveys for serious injuries aim precisely at the police officers.

Not enough to reassure, while the 13,460 shots of defense ball launchers (LBD) recognized by the Ministry of the Interior since the start of the Yellow Vests movement led to journalist David Dufresne to collect 260 reports of "police violence", And identify nothing less than 23 wrapped by LBD fire, in 23 days of demonstrations of" yellow vests "...

His predecessor had left 17 dead, including 8 children

Le LBD est bien une « arme de guerre »

A historian had recently recalled that the LBD is in fact the successor of the "Baton Round", a launcher of rubber or plastic balls introduced in July 1970 in the British army before being systematically used during theconflict in Northern Ireland, and which had been thought of as a means of hitting the demonstrators, of dating them.

Between 1970 and 2005, the army listed 125,000 shots, causing 17 dead, including 8 children (.PDF).Following the death of an 11 -year -old child, the European Parliament called on member countries to abolish the use of such plastic balls.It was in 1982.

In 2013, the British government declassified a 1977 document which, in response to the complaint of a 10 -year -old child who had been made blind by a rubber bullet, recognized serious problems, as it "hadNot been properly tested before being used, that it could be lethal and cause serious injuries, and that she had already caused serious injuries ".

«It’s a caliber of war ”

The CIP has only approved 2 40: 40 x 46 French bdlr x caliber ammunition used by LBDs, approved in 2012, and the American 40 x 46 approved in 2007.As Jean-Verney Carron, the inventor of Flash-Ball, had, about the LBD40 who has since replaced him, himself, "the ball is a caliber of 40 mm ... it'smuch more dangerous than flashball.It’s a caliber of war ”.

[MaJ] Les lanceurs de grenades 40 & 56mm et leurs munitions sont, tout comme les grenades GLI F4, OF F1 et de désencerclement, des armes de force intermédiaire (AFI) de catégories A2, relevant des « matériels de guerre » (la catégorie A1 porte, elle, sur les « armes à feu »).

Le lanceur de balle de défense 40 mm fabriqué par l’armurier suisse Brügger & Thomet, le Brügger & Thomet GL06, ou LL06 dans sa version « moins dangereuse » (sic), destiné à des applications militaires et policières et appelé LBD 40 en France, est à ce titre exporté de Suisse sous l’appellation « matériel de guerre« .

De même, et en réponse à des questions adressées par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, TR Equipment, le partenaire français de B&T, qui se présente comme le « responsable de la vente de plus de 6 000 lanceurs pour la police et la gendarmerie française dans le but de la gestion démocratique des foules en accordavec le ministère de l’intérieur et de la défense classant le lanceur comme une produit à létalité réduite (Less lethal) » (sic, alors que d’ordinaire on la qualifie d’arme « non létale« ), avait répondu qu’il ne pouvait exporter de LBD qu' »en accord avec le ministère de la défense » français.

Witness of the wounds they cause, the neurosurgeon Laurent Thines speaks of "true war wounds (and) broken gules remind us of the dark hours of the Great War", and claims "the abrogation of all the subletal weapons.Because beyond the LBD40, the grenades-GLI-F4 and Grenades of de-graduate-are weapons of war.They contain significant explosive charges ».

See also my investigation into the French contribution to the "democratic management of crowds" at the Barheïn, as well as Valls tragic in Milipol: 100 dead (for the moment), the extract (cavilable) of the investigation that I had devoted tofear business merchants.

In fact, Grenade 40 x 46 is indeed a "military" grenade, developed for the needs of the US army during the War Time of Vietnam, and used in particular by the Penn Arms PGL65-40 "Fourkiller Tactical Model" 40 mmMultiple Grenada Launcher, the US Multi-Multi-Coupler of LBD already used for a few years by certain French police officers.

Among the other multi-cut launchers of this type we also find by the RG-6 used by the Russian soldiers during the war in Chechnya, the South African Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher), used by armies from all over the world, the Hawk MM1 which was part of the arsenal of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, or the Sage Control Rotary Launchers, used by Schwarzie in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

While the defender of rights, Jacques Toubon, had claimed in January the suspension of the use of LBDs because of their "dangerousness", which the Council of Europe had called on, on February 26, to "suspend the useof the LBD within the framework of ordering order operations "in order to" better respect human rights ", and that the United Nations (UN) had questioned France for its" violent andExcessive force "Faced with the movement of" yellow vests ", the Council of State rejected the suspension of the use of the LBD40, which had nevertheless called its wishes the Paris police prefect last year.The world, for its part, was able to consult the 21 -page argument sent by the government to the UN:

Whatever the shooting distance, flashball is "imprecise"

The head of the Central Arms Service of the Ministry of the Interior comes to approve a new "non-metallic projectile munition of caliber 44/83 sp", similar to that which had approved by the Verney-Carron company for itsflash-ball.

"Composed of an aluminum case and a unique projectile in soft elastomer", the PEFCO 44 is an "impact projectile" intended for the new CRUSH launcher with 44 x 83 mm CRUSH, "Intermediate weapon system allowingTo repel aggressive elements at a distance between 0 and 25 meters »patented by the company Securengy, created by a former deminer and gendarme, ex-consulting at Taser.

Strangely, Securengy has protected the Verbal Marks Crush and Pefco in the category dedicated to firearms, but also in that devoted to (sub) clothes, and, even more surprising, that of ... games and toys, carpets, carpets, carpetsawakening, game consoles, physical culture and gymnastics devices, fishing paraphernalia, ice and roller skates, figurines and robots.

Another French company, Redcore, also markets another "reduced lethality ammunition" of caliber 44/83 SP, the MAT44, intended to be used by its launcher of the latest generation bullets with long striped cannon, the LBD Kann44CLR, intended for municipal policies and whose technical sheet specifies that it "can be dangerous and even fatal in the event of shooting at close range".

The said technical sheet also provides the results of a comparative test where we discover that “Superpro flashballs are scattered and imprecise even at short distance (5, 7 and 10 meters): 5 out of 10 projectiles do not havereaches the target ", that 2 touched the coasts, 2 others the heart and a fifth even touched their ear, when they were supposed to target the navel ... confirming an observation made in 2009 by the National Commission for Ethics of thesecurity which, noting "the risks that a projectile reaches a person near the targeted person or affects the targeted person in a vulnerable place in their organization are therefore important, especially when flash-ball is used duringA compact gathering of demonstrators, ”had also advised against his job as part of a rally on the public highway.

[MaJ 2] Dans la vidéo officielle de promotion de son LBD, Brügger & Thomet se félicite du fait que des tirs effectués à 25 mètres de la cible, depuis un LBD fixé sur un rail, en utilisant sa cartouche SIR, qu’il qualifie (.PDF) de « munition cinétique la plus précise, la plus fiable, et économique du marché », ne ratent leur cible que de 7 centimètres :

On n’ose imaginer ce qu’il en est en condition réelle, avec un tireur mobile évoluant un milieu hostile, lorsque la cible bouge, et utilisant une autre munition que celle de B&T… qui a d’ailleurs protesté de son innocence en expliquant, rapporte L’Express, que « les munitions utilisées en France n’ont pas été conçues, fabriquées ni livrées par B&T AG […] En cas d’utilisation de munitions des autres fabricants, il y a le risque que la précision baisse et le risque de blessures augmente considérablement« .

An explanation confirmed, in OFF, by a CRS interviewed by L’Express: "The LBD40 is a good intermediate, non-Létale weapon.But the ammunition that comes out of the cannon is not the right one, "he said.The problem, according to him: the composition of the projected "defense ball"."There are two parts on each other.The first is rounded, in fairly hard rubber.The second, the base, is very hard plastic, slightly wider than the rubber part.I think it is this hard part that causes serious injuries (...) the warhead used is not the right one.It should be more flexible, it would do less damage ".

To which another police source ensures that the bales of the Swiss manufacturer were not selected after the tests of the projectiles of the various gunsmiths because ... they were considered more dangerous.

In the meantime, and incidentally, the purchasing service of the Ministry of the Interior comes from ordering more than 4M € of "tear gas (CS) and decontaminant diffusers for the national police andof the national gendarmerie ".

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