These companies that help brands enter the metarers

05/07/2022 By acomputer 754 Views

These companies that help brands enter the metarers

Brands have understood that metovers deserved their interest.Halfweight communication, creative mid-studios, a new generation of actors come to help them integrate these virtual universes in the making.

Skinvaders, the "Chief Metaverse Officer"

This startup helps companies (mainly fashion) to integrate different video games and virtual universes.During the TMINT X LE BOOK conferences, Alexis Arragon, founder of Skinvaders, described his business as the "Chief Metaverse Officer" of brands.Concretely, it plays the role of intermediary between brands and publishers, by creating skins (virtual clothing) and associated mini-games for textile brands.Skinvaders has notably worked with the Puma brand for a project in the Korean metarer Zepeto where users are invited to treat their appearance.

The manufacturer, virtual fashion pioneer

This digital fashion house, launched in 2018 when the virtual fashion concept was still UFO, aims to "support humans in their next level of existence" - therefore.She sells her own creations (like here this warrior outfit while superposition for the Star Atlas game).But she also works with brands installed (and very real) such as Buffalo British sneakers or Adidas, and shapes their virtual pieces.For Michaela Larosse, director of The Manufacturer's strategy, one of the challenges is to see an interoperability between metals.That is to say, make sure that its customers can wear their virtual Buffalo sneakers both in Roblox and on Zepeto and Decentraland for example.

Sweet, NFT editor for brands

Ces entreprises qui aident les marques à entrer dans le métavers

This acid tones platform allows brands to edit NFT, these digital objects certified on the blockchain, to present them, and to sell them.It was with Sweet that the New York store channel Mash's recently launched, during Thanksgiving, a collection of virtual ice cream, dachshund and other dragons in the form of NFT.9,500 NFT more or less rare have been distributed free of charge to volunteer customers, 10 other NFTs have been auctioned.

The Dematerialized, the shopping mall

Launched in 2020, The Dematerialised is akin to a marketplace bringing together different brands of virtual modes and accessories.There are virtual brands like RTFKT, Dressx or the manufacturer cited above, but also physical brands that are virtual as Karl Lagerfeld.The latter sells small 3D figurines on the effigy of the designer on The Dematerialized between 77 and 177 euros.Objects sold on The Dematerialized can - depending on the brands - show on social networks (via a snapchat filter for example), or be worn in video and metarers.