Tiktok: a doctor gives a reason (more) to sleep in underwear

09/11/2022 By acomputer 697 Views

Tiktok: a doctor gives a reason (more) to sleep in underwear

A famous doctor on the Tiktok network has provided a new reason to put a underwear when sleeping, or at least when you don't sleep alone.What do you think ?

Nombreuses sont les études à conseiller de dormir nu, pour une meilleure thermorégulation du corps, notamment. Sommeil plus efficace ou plus profond, intimité dans le couple, meilleure estime de soi, meilleure circulation du sang…TikTok : un médecin donne une raison (de plus) de dormir en sous-vêtement TikTok : un médecin donne une raison (de plus) de dormir en sous-vêtement

Only here, sleeping naked would not only have advantages.This would even have a major drawback, according to Dr Anthony Youn, plastic surgeon in Michigan (United States), and famous for his short explanatory videos on the Tiktok social network.

Recently, he explained why, according to him, he is unwelcome for his or his partner to sleep naked.

TikTok : un médecin donne une raison (de plus) de dormir en sous-vêtement

Recalling that we evacuate on average gas 15 to 25 times a day, and that this can happen when we sleep, Dr. Youn assured that, each time we evacuate gases, we spray a tiny quantity offaeces.Let's be clear, these are not what is vulgarly called a "messy pet", when flatulence is unfortunately accompanied by stool stalls, but rather microparticles of stools that escape with gases.Which are 100% filtered by our underwear, reassures Dr Youn.We quickly understand the inelegance in sleeping naked with others, a fortiori if we know about the flatulence.

“So, for the good of your bed partner, please sleep with your underwear,” begs Dr. Youn with a smile.

We reassure ourselves, however, if we propagate many fecal bacteria when one farts, these would not be particularly harmful. C’est en tout cas ce qu’ont conclu des chercheurs dans une toute petite étude menée dans leur propre laboratoire, et parue dans le British Medical Journal en 2001.

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Auteur :
Hélène Bour, Journaliste scientifique
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