Underwear, testosterone injections where is male contraception?

22/07/2022 By acomputer 841 Views

Underwear, testosterone injections where is male contraception?

After new government announcements on the reimbursement of contraception, and on the occasion of World contraception day, BFMTV.com looked at the different methods aimed at men.

For Andrologist Roger Mieusset, it is time to "degene" contraception.After the announcement of Olivier Véran, in early September, that contraception would be free for all women up to 25 years old, some - like this specialist in the Toulouse University Hospital, one of the pioneers of male contraception, especially thermal,in France - call on men to feel more concerned.

Because there are indeed male contraceptive methods.Sometimes reduced to the "heated panties", they are however effective but often unknown.On the occasion of World contraception day this Sunday, BFMTV.com list the main.

• The thermal method

Male contraception - apart from the condom which, moreover, represents the way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (IST) - is currently based on a thermal or hormonal method, both reversible.

The thermal method consists in increasing the temperature of the 2 ° C testicles to prevent the production of sperm.Which is obtained by carrying a special underwear for fifteen hours which goes up the testicles.The contraceptive effect is felt on average in three months, explains the site of the association for research and the development of male contraception (ardecom).

Its use is limited to a maximum duration of four years - a longer use has not been the subject of study - and requires medical monitoring.No industrialist or pharmaceutical laboratory has yet bought the patent to produce large-scale underwear.They are provided for free to the Patians of Roger Mieusset.But some men make them themselves, especially during workshops dedicated to it, as evokes the site of Ardecom.But under their own responsibility.

• The hormonal method

Sous-vêtements, injections de testostérone Où en est la contraception masculine?

Regarding male hormonal contraception, it consists of weekly intramuscular injections.It is effective after three months.However, it includes - just like female hormonal contraception - side effects and is not for all men.Personal or family history of prostate cancer, coagulation or cardiac disorders in particular may represent contraindications.The World Health Organization has, however, validated a method, for a period of use of eighteen months, which consists of weekly testosterone injections.

Other hormomnial methods are currently studied abroad, including a contraceptive freeze, as well as other formulas of injectable products - one of which would consist of a single injection every four months.

In France, the method has existed for thirty years.The control spermograms and the nurse who injections are reimbursed by health insurance, but the androtardyl - the product injected - is the responsibility of the patient (around 40 euros per month).

• New tracks under study

Another method is also in the process of experimenting in India: the Risug method, or reversible inhibition controlled of the sperm."It is a question of injecting into the channel defeating a gel which clogs or makes sperm ineffective", continues Roger Mieusset.A first publication showed its efficiency on 130 couples.A second, which assessed the use of the Risug method for five years, is expected at the end of the year.

American researchers have also developed a similar product and carried out tests but do not have sufficient funds to finance the rest of their study.

• And the men's pill?

As for the men's pill, a sea serpent constantly announced for several decades, Roger Mieusset assures that we should not count on it.

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https://twitter.com/chussonnois Céline Hussonnois-Alaya Journaliste BFMTV