Victoria's Secret: Bridget Malcolm, former model, denounces the lingerie brand

22/03/2022 By acomputer 856 Views

Victoria's Secret: Bridget Malcolm, former model, denounces the lingerie brand

Former Victoria's Secret model Bridget Malcolm exposes the brand's practices in a TikTok video that has gone viral.

The Victoria's Secret brand has been derided for years for its ultra-thin, ultra-white and ultra-unrepresentative of society models. Rebranded as The VS Collective, the brand is trying to redeem its reputation and recently announced that it's scrapped its Angels show and cast in favor of hiring a group of seven "diverse spokespeople." ".

As the NYPost explains, Bridget Malcolm wrote an article for Harpers Bazaar in 2018 where she detailed her struggle with anxiety and an eating disorder. Today, it is on TikTok that she shares a new story with fans.

Victoria’s Secret : Bridget Malcolm, ancien mannequin, dénonce la marque de lingerie

She found the bra she wore at the 2016 show: "I found my bra from the 2016 Victoria's Secret show. It's a size 30A, I'm now a size 34B which is healthy for me ." She then puts the bra on to show how tiny the underwear is compared to her body today.