What is the mini-poche's used on the front?A businessman and a tailor at the origin of jeans!

14/06/2022 By acomputer 733 Views

What is the mini-poche's used on the front?A businessman and a tailor at the origin of jeans!

Jeans or pair of jeans is denim canvas pants which is reinforced by solid seams, rivets and which was originally designed as a workwear.As you probably already know, the invention of this garment that everyone wears today would come back to collaboration between Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis.We will come back to the little story a little lower in this article.

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First of all, let's break an open door, your jeans offer a lot of pockets.But the pocket that interests us today is the very small placed in front, in which you cannot ultimately put much!Well know that historically, this pocket has real use!

Already, this almost useless little pocket today is called the pocket pocket.Obviously, her name must put the chip in her ear since it bears the name of a certain pocket watch!Basically, it is used to store its pocket watch while keeping it very easy to access.

À quoi sert la mini-poche sur le devant ? Un homme d'affaire et un tailleur à l'origine des jeans !

In the 20th century, the pocket watch having almost disappeared from everyday life, the pocket pocket finally turned into a lighter pocket so that smokers can store a zippo lighter.You have to know it, the zippo of the time had to be kept vertically in order to prevent the essence which they contained would escape.

Comme nous le disions plus haut, les jeans ont été inventés par deux hommes. Levi Strauss était un homme d'affaires à la tête d'un commerce de tissu et de vêtements, la célèbre enseigne Levi Strauss & Co. Un de ses clients, le tailleur Jacob Davis lui achetait des toiles denim pour tailler des pantalons de travail résistants afin de satisfaire une cliente ayant un bûcheron comme mari. Devant le succès de ces pantalons, Levi Strauss a déposé un brevet en 1872. Le brevet ayant été accordé en 1873, Jacob Davis s'est chargé de superviser la production du jeans au sein de l'entreprise de Strauss.

At the start, the jeans were called WaSt Overalls as opposed to bib overalls, overalls with suspenders!It is also thanks to this aesthetic difference and its solidity that the jeans finally imposed themselves.

Finally, know that around 2.3 billion jeans are sold each year worldwide.