11/12/2022 By acomputer 762 Views

Why is the sailor row?

The sailor sector was officially born March 27, 1858, when a decree authorizes the French Navy to introduce into the list of clothes for sailors a blue and white striped knit in jersey, the textile dedicated to underwear.

Because originally, the sailor is one, which must also descend to the top of the thighs!By entering her in the pants, she made a pantal offy and prevents by leaning on to make maneuvers, the sailors have the apparent buttock line.In the navy, we must have a Debien to present ...

As for scratches, their number is very strictly fixed ... 14 scratches on each round and 21 on the Lecorps.This figure of 21 would correspond to the victories of Napoleon but it was not really proven.At the time, stripes were not very well seen.They are reserved for convicts, prostitutes and people at the bottom of the hierarchy.Like sailors, that it does not bother because these scratches have a utility room, they make it possible to make a man who have fallen to the sea much more favorable.

But above all these scratches are the consequence of two so linked to the manufacture of this garment.The first is the technique of detaining since the sailor had to be one room.Aboard Unbateau, we avoid the seams and pimples as much as possible, which can take the ropes.The second is that the indigo dye which gives blue lacouleur is very expensive at the time.

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We therefore decide to use it only for one in two stripes, just to save money, because the movy estun low -end clothing, far from what it has become today since the fashion designers, Coco Chanel the firstIn 1916, and of course Jean-Paul Gaultier seized it.

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