Zemmour to whine: story of one under tension

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Zemmour to whine: story of one under tension

Par Samuel SauneufPublié lemis à jour le 29 Oct 21 à 20:02
Le Pays Malouin
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Eric Zemmour est donc venu à Pleurtuit ce vendredi 29 octobre 2021. Pour une conférence dite « culturelle » à l’invitation de l’association souverainiste Aser des bords de Rance et du mouvement rennais Mémoire du Futur, présidé par son ami Reynald Secher.Zemmour à Pleurtuit : récit d'un après-midi sous tension Zemmour à Pleurtuit : récit d'un après-midi sous tension

Zemmour therefore came and his opponents too.They were 350, from 2:30 p.m., to curse the (almost) far -right candidate in the presidential election.Citizens, unions, young, not so young, old ... they have loudly demonstrated.But never badly.

Discreet entry

Two women, sign in hand, tried to approach the pro-Zemmour who made the crane in front of the Delta space.Wasted effort.Impossible dialogue between two camps that do not share the same idea of France.Or simply life.A pro-Zemmour has made the opposite way, causing young demonstrators: "Should not put Dockers girls, it looks like fachos.But it's okay, you're white "...

Zemmour à Pleurtuit : récit d'un après-midi sous tension

We stayed there before the arrival of the Zemmourian convoy by a more discreet entrance, on the side of a room surrounded by a few dozen gendarmes.A military cord separated the demonstrators to all go to the guest of the day.

National identity has obviously returned to the carpet."We can only speak and love ourselves because we are linked by French history".And "Being French" is "appropriating good and bad sides" in the history of France.

When he speaks culture, Eric Zemmour denounces "a neglected and marginalized heritage" in favor of a caste "Parisiano globalist", follower of a contemporary art "ugly and disconnected".

And then came the chapter of national education."It's a big concern, one of the great concerns of the French".An "endoctriner machine machine" which imposes "its LGBT and Islamo-leftist ideas".These people, he says again, it will be necessary to "turn them" and restore the term "public education.Education is not the role of the state, it is that of parents ".

The demonstrators?"Braillards"

It was time to end it and chain with a long signing session.Outside, the demonstrators are still there and have improvised "a hedge of dishonor" for the public of Zemmour who leaves the Delta space in the drop.And of these demonstrators who accompanied his arrival, what does he think?"I am the only one to tell the truth and that's what bothers them.These brazes will not prevent me from talking.These are real anti-republicans.These people would have been locked up by Jules Ferry.And worse by Robespierre… ”

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